2. Rachael Starr – To Forever (Moonbeam Remix)- 10 plays
3. Dj Sava Feat. Connect-R – Say goodbye - 10 plays
4. Dj Dorino ft. Sharon del Ade – In And Out Of Love - 9 plays
5. Peter Bjorn and John – Young Folks - 8 plays
6. Sharam feat. Daniel Beddingfield – The One (Original Mix)- 8 plays
7. VAMA – Pe sarma - 7 plays
8. Trentemoller – Miss You- 7 plays
9. Coldplay – The Scientist - 7 plays
10. Mark Brown ft Sarah Cracknell – The Journey Continues - 6 plays
Topul celorlalte saptamani.
- Saptamana 3-10 august 2008
- Saptamana 10-17 august 2008
- Saptamana 17-24 august 2008
- Saptamana 24-31 august 2008
- Saptamana 31 august - 7 septembrie 2008
Saptamana trecuta a fost saptamana in care trebuia sa murim... trebuia sa vina sfarsitul lumii .. sau de fapt LHC foloseste la altceva... ramane de aflat asta...
Am gasit la cabral un articol interesant, un subiect pus in discutie si de Ionut Puiu acum cateva saptamani cand era in cautare de tinere sperante in vederea angajarii. Tu cum iti alegi Id-ul de messenger?
Tot saptamana trecuta, Khristine a implinit frumoasa varsta de 22 de ani.. la multi ani Khris ! [uite ca trebuie sa-mi zici merci si aici :))]
Ii urez bun venit in blogosfera si lui Dan... care incepe in forta cu un articol interesant.. despre cum s-a "distrat" el la o emisiune Virgilista...
Sa va dau si niste articole legate de fotbal.. nu?? uite.. pe blogul de moda veche, aflam o parere despre suporterii timisoreni si scandalul cu depunctarea.... iar de pe un colt ultra uitat de lume, aflam ca mai nou, suporterii craiovei au nevoie de acreditare pentru a-si sustine echipa.. iar pentru asta trebuie sa completeze niste chestionare.
Eh.. cam atat saptamana asta.. ne reauzim saptamana viitoare...
Sambata dimineata se insenineaza, dar nici atunci nu putea juca golf, din cauza sabatului. Gandindu-se ca nu-l vede nimeni, rabinul s-a furisat totusi pe terenul de golf.
Insa tatal sau il vede din Rai si i se adreseaza Domnului:
- Fiul meu incalca sabatul.
- Asteapta, imediat il pedepsesc pentru asta!
Rabinul ridica crosa si loveste mingea, care intra in gaura de la 250 m.
- Asta numesti pedeapsa? intreba batranul evreu.
- Pai sigur! rade Dumnezeu. Ce lovitura! Si nu poate spune nimanui!
Coldplay - Amsterdam
Come on, my star is fading
And I swerve out of control
If i, if I’d only waited
I’d not be stuck here in this hole
Come here my star is fading
And I swerve out of control
And I swear I waited and waited
I’ve got to get out of this hole
But time is on your side
Its on your side now
Not pushing you down and all around
It’s no cause for concern
Come on, oh my star is fading
And I see no chance of release
And I know I’m dead on the surface
But I am screaming underneath
And time is on your side
Its on your side now
Not pushing you down
And all around, no
It’s no cause for concern
Stuck on the end of this ball and chain
And I’m on my way back down again
Stood on a bridge, tied to the noose
Sick to the stomach
You can say what you mean
But it won’t change a thing
I’m sick of the secrets
Stood on the edge, tied to a noose
You came along and you cut me loose
You came along and you cut me loose
You came along and you cut me loose.
I always like to know everything about my new friends, and nothing about my old ones.
- Esti un erou, maine vei citi in toate ziarele: "Un brav american a salvat viata unei fetite."
- Dar nu sunt american. Sunt afghan !
A doua zi in ziare scria: "Un extremist islamist a ucis un caine american."
112 - Shake That
Am intrat in club ca sa spargem plictiseala
Fetele-s aici lumineaza seara
Baietii sunt si ei, - sticla de sampanie
112 toata lumea stie
Deci toata lumea sus pe mese
Toate fetele dati din fese
Fetele stilate: Hai, - la bara!
N-as putea sa vorbesc de plictiseala
Am ales, nu vorbesc frumos
Pana la final te intorc pe dos
Avertisment e un compliment
Vreau atitudine la tine in comportament
Inocent(a), sa devin dependent
Insist sa te misti cat se poate de lent
Insist sa o faci cat se poate de bine
Vreau sa plec dimineata…Cu gandul la tine
Refren (x2) :
Now fellows (what)
Put your hands in the sky
Now ladyes shake tha ass tonight
One, tow, tree, four… on the floor
Bitches to the O…Give some more
Suie-te pe mese, da din fese,
Nu conteaza esti cu mine sunt cu tine toata lumea
Se uita la tine, cu o singura privire te-ai dat jos,
Si vii din nou la mine.
Vreau sa te misti, vreau sa dansezi (vreau)
Simt ca vibrezi precum vezi sunt baiatul tau
Maine sunt din nou pe strazi, asa ca
Profita de mine (asa sa faci) cat ma vezi
Ridica-te-n picioare, danseaza acum cu mine
Hai misca-ti fesierii asa cum stii mai bine
Asculta ritmul serii, deschde-ti bluza-ncet
Ridica o mana-n sus, ajuta-ma sa ajung la cer
Stiu ca un-s perfect dar vreau sa fi a mea
Te apleci, te indoi, te ridici belea
Sunt eu putin incins sau clubul a luat foc
Nu-i nimic acum dansam asa ca facetï loc
Refren (x2)
"September tries its best to have us forget summer."
A: Because it would scare the shit out of the dog.
Q: Why don't cannibals eat clowns?
A: They taste funny!!
Un ascultator la Radio Erevan:
- Aflat in vizita in Moscova am innoptat la un hotel. Chiar la intrare am calcat pe un gandac. Noaptea am vazut sute de gandaci. Are asta ceva de a face cu progresul?
- In principiu nu, dar ar trebui sa aveti mai multa intelegere pentru gandacii care, noaptea, au inmormantat gandacul omorat de dumneavoastra.

Rachael Starr - To Forever
I see you and you see me
There's only one thing this could be
I think you know just what I mean
When I'm with you I feel so free
And I love you
And I hope you love me too
And I need you
And I hope you need me too
Babe, I just hope that you know
To never let me go
Cause when I comes to forever
We should be together
Never let me go
When we meet up the whole world stops
The music's loud, our temperature drops
It seems like they're all dancing to our beat
Look around, I know you'll see
And I love you
And I hope you love me too
And I need you
And I hope you need me too
Babe, I just want to let you know
To never let me go
Cause when I comes to forever
We should be together
Never let me go
And I love you
And I hope you love me too
And I need you
And I hope you need me too
Babe, I just want to let you know
To never let me go
Cause when I comes to forever
We should be together
Babe, I just want to let you know
To never let me go
Cause when I comes to forever
We should be together
Cam asa arata o stire senzationala... sau nu.. . Se pare ca un incendiu destul de mare a avut loc aseara langa Casa Poporului. Multe cauciucuri ramase de la Bucharest Ring au cazut prada flacarilor. Nu se stie inca de unde a pornit incendiul, dar martorii sustin ca un grup de rromi isi facusera adapost acolo... .
Mai jos aveti imagini si un filmulet de la fata locului





Bon Jovi - All I Want Is Everything
Some 15 year old kid sits on his porch, just half-past noon
Trying to figure out just what he's doing
Why he had to grow up so soon
With all the gangs, all the guns-watcha gonna learn in school
There's got to be some way out of here
He says "Man, this life is cruel"
I knew this Puerto Rican girl who lied to change her life
She changed her name
Her face because the grass looked greener on the other side
She turned her back, she ran away straight into the night
Her friends, her family feel the pain, but she's the one who cries
Tell me what you want
Tell me what you need
I want everything
I've had enough of havin' nothing, I won't take just anything
I got my mind set on something, all I want is everything
It's my life Mr. - I ain't running, I'm no puppet on a string
I want more than I see coming
All I want is everything
All I want is everything
My next door neighbor Donnie
Died in his room just the other day
His brother come home
Found him dead on the floor with a needle in his vain
Cops come down with a body bag
They said Donnie was a casually
I said, all it's about is the boy checked out
He couldn't handle reality
Tell me what you want
Tell me what you need
I want everything
I've had enough of havin' nothing, I won't take just anything
I got my mind set on something, all I want is everything
It's my life Mr. - I ain't running, I'm no puppet on a string
I want more than I see coming
All I want is everything
All I want is everything
Alinuta fuge speriata la ma-sa si o scoala din somn:
- Mami, mami, repede ca ma maninca pasarica!!!
- Scarpina-te!
2.Vine Alinuta acasa de la scoala si o intreaba pe ma-sa:
- Mama, mama, pot sa fac si eu roata afara ?
- Nu ca o sa ti se vada chiloteii.
A 2-a zi vine Alinuta si o intreaba pe mama ei din nou :
- Mama, mama, pot sa fac si eu roata afara?
- Nu mama ca o sa ti se vada chiloteii.
A 3-a zi vine Alinuta acasa si ii spune mamei ei:
- Mama, mama, am facut roata.
- Si nu ti s-au vazut chiloteii?
- Nu, ca i-am dat jos...
3.Alinuta observa la strand diferenta dintre ea si un baietel.
Se duce intr-un suflet la mama ei si-o intreaba:
- Mami mami... De ce nu am si eu asa ceva intre picioare?
- Rabdare, copila mea, rabdare...
- Mama, daca o sa fiu o fata cuminte cind o sa fiu mare, o sa am si eu un sot?
- Da, fetita mea.
- Si daca nu o sa fiu o fata cuminte?
- Atunci o sa ai mai multi...
5.Alinuta: - Mama, daca ai fi in locul meu, te-ai marita cu Gicu?
Mama: - Fata draga, uita-te in oglinda! Daca as fi in locul tau m-as marita cu oricine.
6. Mami, uite Alinuta a intrat azi la medicina!
Bun! Si ce face acolo, ce invata?
Pai ce sa faca...sta linistita intr-un borcan!
7.Alinuta: Mama, pot sa-i tai o ureche lui tata?
Mama: Nu, mai lasa-l sa mai fiarba 10 minute.
8.Sot si sotie se uita la televizor. Alinuta trece prin fata televizorului, dupa trei secunde trece iarasi si tot asa pana cand sotul ii spune sotiei:
- Draga,spune fetei sa nu mai treaca prin fata televizorului, sa ne lase sa ne uitam la film!
La care sotia:
- Las-o draga,nu vezi ca s-a spanzurat?
9.Prietenii Alinutei: O lasati pe Alinuta la fotbal?
Mama: Alinuta nu are maini!
Copii: Va rugam frumossss!
Mama: Dar Alinuta nu are nici picioare!
Copii: Da, dar Alinuta ar fi o minge excelenta pentru noi!
10. Alinuta: Mama, mama, tata are ceva in ochi!
Mama: Lasa, mananca si tu restul...
Friends hold both the power to excel your life, or destroy it.

[da, stiu.. nu ma pricep la urari de la multi ani... care-i problema??]
Sharam ft Daniel Bedingfield - The one
- lyrics -
Is there any way that i could stay in your arms?
Is there any way that i could stay in your arms?
Is there any way that i could stay in your arms?
Is there any way that i could stay in your arms?
Girl is it not enough that you took my heart
That you took my life, that you took my love
Some kind of boy, some kind of girl, some kind of song around the world
You gave it to me, you gave it away
I wish i was back where i belonged
Some kind of girl, some kind of boy, that you were the one
If your not the one, i don’t know who is
If your not the one, i don’t know who is
I don’t know
I don’t know
I don’t know who is
I don’t know
I don’t know
I don’t know who is
Teach me the way to love again
I’ve fallen away, to be back again
I’ve sad the words to make you leave
Please forgive me girl and come back to me
Is there any way that i could stay in your arms? (4x)
Nota: textul nu-mi apartine, Ovidiu de pe Hatrrick.org e autorul. eu doar vi-l prezint si voua pentru ca mi s-a parut interesant

Chuck Norris can detect both the Higgs boson and the tehnicolor particles.
There is only one particle accelerator more powerfull than LHC: Chuck Norris. Particles just keep running from him, nearly at the speed of light.
Chuck Norris can kill Schrodinger’s cat for good.
Chuck Norris can produce a chain reaction out of any stable isotope just by roundhouse kicking it in the face.
The Higgs boson will be named “The Norris Particle”.
There is only one Higgs Boson, but after a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris, it became a whole family.
Only Chuck Norris can run faster than the proton beam inside LHC.
Chuck Norris can change the spin of the protons with a single round-house kick.
Chuck Norris sucks black-holes dry, without the help of Hawking radiation!
Chuck Norris can swallow a whole beam of acccelerated particles just for cleaning his teeth.
The LHC was built when Chuck Norris accidentally performed a roundhouse kick at a subway station in Zurich.
13.7 billion years ago, Chuck Norris said: “Let there be Big-Bang”
No subquarks particles are known to exists because Chuck Norris didn’t roundhouse kick a quark. Yet. When he decide to do this, LHC will became useless in studying the new physics created by those particles.
There is no quadrupoles for controlling the proton beam at LHC. Chuck Norris simply stares at the protons and the Higgs boson pops out.
Only Chuck Norris can use the LHC ring to propose. Andromeda said yes, but Chuck Norris kicked her in the face and she was projected 2 millions light-years away.
LHC doesn’t bring the Apocalipse. Only Chuck Norris can do that.
There are no stable particles. Each and every particle exists as long as Chuck Norris looks at it.
Chuck Norris uses micro-black-holes created at CERN to cook spaghetti for himself. Out of anything.
Initially, neutrinos had no mass. But they prefer an encounter with Higgs boson rather than facing Chuck Norris.
The photon was a stationary particle once. Until Chuck Norris roundhouse kick it. Just ask a photon about his speed nowadays.
There are no gravitational waves. It’s just Chuck Norris inhaling and exhaling after a roundhouse kick.
There are no gluons holding the quarks inside hadrons. They are just sitting there, trying to hide from Chuck Norris.
Ever wonder where does the energy needed for LHC came from? They got it all when Chuck Norris blinked once.
Chuck Norris can inject neutral particles inside the LHC ring and detects whatever he wants, otherwise he will roundhouse kick you in the face with a force so powerfull that you would produce Higgs bosons instantly.
multumesc celor care mi-au citit blogul.. :)))
later edit: hai ca am ajuns :)) experimentul e inca in desfasurare asa ca.. n-am scapat inca.. muhaha :D sper macar sa apuc sa vad filmu.. :)) eh.. what ever.. e un eveniment important.. sa speram ca o sa ne ajute si.. mii de multumiri celor de la CERN pentru ca fara ei.. astazi nu mai citeati ce debiez eu aici pe blog... pentru ca .. ei au inventat internetul...
Oh baby can you hear me moan?
You caught me under false pretenses
How long before you let me go?
You set my soul alight
You set my soul alight
(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive
(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive'
I thought I was a fool for no-one
Oh baby I'm a fool for you
You're the queen of the superficial
And how long before you tell the truth
You set my soul alight
You set my soul alight
(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive
(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive'
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive
(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive
(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
So... tu cum o sa-ti petreci sfarsitul lumii?
“Don't wake me for the end of the world unless it has very good special effects”
Dupa cateva ore de stat de-oparte bombanind si injurand, un dracusor se aproprie de el si il intreaba de ce e trist si suparat.
Tipul raspunde: " Pai de ce as fi fericit? Sunt in iad!"
Dracusorul il contrazice: "Pai sa sti ca nu-i asa de
rau aici... tie iti place sa bei?"
Tipul: "Bine'nteles!"
Dracusorul: "Atunci lunea te vei distra de minune... avem open bar... tequila, gin, rom, vodka, bere la discretie si nu iti va face rau ca doar esti deja mort...!"
Tipul: "Ce misto!"
Dracusorul: "Fumezi?"
Tipul: "Da!"
Dracusorul: "Atunci martea o sa-ti placa mult... Tigari din toata lumea, tutun exotic, narghile, pipe si tigari de nu se mai termina si nu o sa-ti faca nici un rau ca doar esti deja mort!"
Tipul: "Bineeeeeeee!"
Dracvusorul: "Iti plac drogurile?"
Tipul: "Bine'nteles, altfel nu as fi ajuns aici...!"
Dracusorul: "Perfect miercurea avem party drog, ecstasy, iarba,
hashish, heroina, ciuperci halucinogene, tot ce vrei si ce nu vrei, de
calitate nemaintalnita, si sigur fara riscul de a muri de overdoza..hihihihihi!"
Tipul: "Wow...!"
Dracusorul: "Esti gay?"
Tipul. "Nu!"
Dracusorul: "Pacat, atunci cred ca joia nu o sa te distrezi prea tare!"
Linkin Park - In The End
It starts with one thing
I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It's so unreal
Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
Wasted it all just to watch you go
I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
One thing, I don't know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try, keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme, to explain in due time
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised it got so (far)
Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me (in the end)
You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I
I’ve put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There's only one thing you should know (2x) Chorus
1. Morandi – So Cold- 11 plays
2. Akcent – Stay With Me- 8 plays
3. Morandi – ezayem- 5 plays
4. Rachael Starr – To Forever (Moonbeam Remix) - 5 plays
5. U2 – Beautiful Day - 4 plays
6. Linkin Park – In the End - 4 plays
7. Oasis – Stop Crying Your Heart Out - 4 plays
8. DJ Yellow ft. Dony – Say Hello (The Kid Mix)- 4 plays
9. Linkin Park – Somewhere I Belong - 4 plays
10. Morandi – Falling Asleep - 4 plays
Topul celorlalte saptamani.
- Saptamana 3-10 august 2008
- Saptamana 10-17 august 2008
- Saptamana 17-24 august 2008
- Saptamana 24-31 august 2008
"Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future"
Ea: Te gandesti la ce ma gandesc si eu?
El: Da!
- lyrics -
Hold up
Hold on
Don't be scared,
You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile, (may your smile)
Shine on, (shine on)
Don't be scared, (don't be scared)
Your destiny may keep you warm,
'Cause all of the stars,
Have faded away
Just try not to worry,
You'll see them someday,
Take what you need,
And be on your way and
Stop crying your heart out
Get up, (get up)
Come on, (come on)
Why you scared? (I'm not scared)
You'll never change what's been and gone
'Cause all of the stars,
Have faded away
Just try not to worry,
You'll see them some day,
Take what you need,
And be on your way and
Stop crying your heart out
'Cause all of the stars,
Have faded away
Just try not to worry,
You'll see them someday.
Just take what you need,
And be on your way and
Stop crying your heart out
We're all of the stars,
We're fading away.
Just try not to worry,
You'll see us someday.
Just take what you need,
And be on your way and
Stop crying your heart out... [4x]
Cabral a facut un gest frumos saptamana asta si ne-a prezentat situatia unui om aflat intr-o situatie grea. Reactiile n-au incetat sa apara si... se pare ca totul e bine acum.
Nu stiu cum se face dar in fiecare saptamana gasesc cate un articol interesant de-al lui Chirila... de data asta ne zice ca avem prea mult de ales .. asa e?
Remus a fost prezent la un mare derby saptamana trecuta si ne prezinta o cronica inedita de la fata locului.
Marius Tudor se intreaba daca mai asculta copii povesti nemuritoare? si tot de la el am aflat si de campania de ajutorare a micutei Andra de pe blogmeaway.ro
Alecsandra a publicat pe blogul ei un articol interesant numit Ratiune sau sentimente? . Pe mine m-a pus pe ganduri...
suflet.normal ne prezinta intr-un articol 10 din cele mai .... momente televizate.
“mircea badea - un ieftin bufon” reloaded - de pe un colt ultra uitat de lume
cam atat saptamana asta... si nu uitati... NU APASATI BUTONUL ROSU !!!
maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it... no matter what...
Marinarul la fel: “Cand acosteaza nava, dau telefon acasa, sa nu am neplaceri!”
Badea Gheorghe tacea. Amandoi au sarit pe el cu intrebarile: “Cum, tu nu faci la fel, ca sa nu ai probleme?” La care el zice: “Nu, eu sun la usa si ma duc la geam! N-a scapat nici unul pana acum
- lyrics -
When I'm with you
Everything seems better
Now i know i see it all today
We were meant to be together
I'm in pain when you're away
Come on and save me I'm loosing my touch
Day after day cause I miss you so much
Come on and save me I'm loosing my mind
Waiting and waiting for you to be mine
Come and save me from me...me
Come and save me from me...me
When I'm with you
Everything seems better
Now i know i see it all today
We were meant to be together
I'm in pain when you're away
Come on and save me I'm loosing my touch
Day after day cause I miss you so much
Come on and save me I'm loosing my mind
Waiting and waiting for you to be mïne
Come and save me from me...me
Come and save me from me...me
everything happens for a reason...
what goes around comes around

Veniti alaturi de noi LUNI intre ORELE 12-14 in PARCUL IZVOR vis-a-vis de intrarea spre Camera Deputatilor (Bd. Natiunile Unite) la mitingul de protest impotriva initiativei legislative prin care parlamentarii doresc permiterea vanatorii in parcurile nationale !
Spuneti NU vanatorii in parcurile nationale !
Sustinatori ai initiativei: Ministerul Mediului si Dezvoltarii Durabile, 85 organizatii si institutii, administratori si custozi de arii protejate, peste 12.000 persoane care au semnat petitia impotriva acestei initiative.
Mai multe detalii pe EcoAssist
And I`m drowning in tears
Come and help me please
Stay with me Stay with me
Baby when the lights go down
I was so craizy
All the time I made you cry.
You walk away and never said goodbye
On and on, on and on
I gues I lost you Now your gone.
I tried to hide the pain,
But all I see is you
How can I do it ?!
I don`t have a clue.
On and on,on and on
I gues I lost now your gone
I remember a prison of all memories
And I`m drowning in tears
Come and help me please
Stay with me Stay with me
Baby when the lights go down
I remember a voice
That was calling my name
And I now that someday
You will feel the same
Stay with me stay with me
Baby when the lights go down
I was so craizy
All the time I made you cry.
You walk away and never said goodbye
On and on, on and on
I gues I lost you Now your gone.
I tried to hide the pain,
But all I see is you
How can I do it ?!
I don`t have a clue.
On and on,on and on
I gues I lost now your gone
I remember a prison of all memories
And I`m drowning in tears
Come and help me please
Stay with me Stay with me
Baby when the lights go down
I remember a voice
That was calling my name
And I now that someday
You will feel the same
Stay with me stay with me
Baby when the lights go down
I remember a prison of all memories
And I`m drowning in tears
Come and help me please
Stay with me Stay with me
Baby when the lights go down
I remember a voice
That was calling my name
And I now that someday
You will feel the same
Stay with me stay with me
Baby when the lïghts go down
serialul asta era pe Atomic TV acum.. cativa ani.. poate unii dintre voi isi mai amintesc de animatia croata cu preistorici.

"One man.. one desire... ", "In a world where . . ." "Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no way out"va suna cunoscut nu ?? Don LaFontaine,
cel mai cunoscut voice-over al Hollywoodului s-a stins din viaţă la vârsta de 68 de ani. Lui îi este atribuită invenţia trailerului modern de film, vocea sa gravă şi timbrul său unic apărând în clipurile publicitare a mai bine de 5.000 de filme şi în peste 350.000 de reclame.
Devenit la fel de celebru ca şi filmele pe care le promova, Don LaFontaine a fost imitat şi parodiat însă niciodată egalat.
Don s-a stins din viaţă luni, în Los Angeles, ca urmare a unor complicaţii de ordin medical. Lumea filmului nu va ma suna niciodată la fel.
Rest In Piece Don, we'll miss you !!
- Becalul
- Supraunitatile ?
- Kilobecalul , Megabecalul si GigiBecalul
- Si subunitatea ?
- Argasealul
Shoots up through the stony ground
There's no room
No space to rent in this town
You're out of luck
And the reason that you had to care
The traffic is stuck
And you're not moving anywhere
You thought you'd found a friend
To take you out of this place
Someone you could lend a hand
In return for grace
It's a beautiful day
Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
You're on the road
But you've got no destination
You're in the mud
In the maze of her imagination
You love this town
Even if that doesn't ring true
You've been all over
And it's been all over you
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
It's a beautiful day
Touch me
Take me to that other place
Teach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case
See the world in green and blue
See China right in front of you
See the canyons broken by cloud
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
See the Bedouin fires at night
See the oil fields at first light
And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colors came out
It was a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
Beautiful day
Touch me
Take me to that other place
Reach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case
What you don't have you don't need it now
What you don't know you can feel it somehow
What you don't have you don't need it now
Don't need it now
Was a beautiful day

Pentru cei care pot ajuta, postez si eu conturile unde puteti dona bani pentru Andra:
Ambele conturi sunt deschise la BancPost.
mai multe detalii pe blogmeaway.ro
In speranta ca n-o sa treaca neobservata aceasta campanie, dau si eu mai departe asa-zisa leapsa urmatorilor: Vacutza, Ionut Puiu, Berbecutza, Tudor Chirila, blogului de moda veche, cabral, coldfired, suflet.normal, Passive.
Finalurile fericite sunt pentru povestile care nu s-au terminat inca
I'm beggin'
Beggin', put your lovin' hand out, baby
Beggin' you, put your lovin' hand out, baby
Ridin' high when I was king
Played it hard and fast cause I had everything
Walked away, wonderin' then
But easy come and easy go and it would end
I'm beggin' you, won't you give your hand out, baby
Beggin', put your lovin' hand out, baby
I need you to understand
That I tried so hard to be a man
The kind of man you'd want in the end
Only then can I begin to live again
An empty shell I used to be
Shadow of my life is hangin' over me
Broken man that I don't know
Will leave it standing, devil's dancing with my soul
Beggin' you, won't you give your hand out, baby
Beggin', put your lovin' hand out, baby
I'm fightin' hard to hold my own
No, I just can't make it all alone
I'm holdin' on, I can't fall back
Now that big brass ring is a shade of black
I'm beggin' you, give your hand out, baby
Beggin', won't you put your lovin' hand out, baby
Nou angajat
Asculti Stevie Wonder
(E prima ta zi la noul loc de munca si totul este minunat)
Dupa 3 luni…
Asculti muzica HOUSE
(pentru ca esti atât de aglomerat ca nu stii sigur daca vii sau pleci)
Dupa 6 luni….
Asculti Heavy Metal
(ziua ta de lucru începe la 08.00 si se încheie la 20.00)
Dupa 9 luni…
Asculti Hip Hop
(Te-ai ingrasat din cauza stresului, iar acum suferi de constipatie)
Dupa 1 an…
(Ochii încep sa ti se zbata in cap si sa se roteasca aiurea, ai uitat ce este un “o zi buna” te simti de parca ai cadea din pat si traiesti doar prin cofeina!!)
In fine, dupa al doilea an…
Asculti Tehno
si ai devenit un pic … chiar bine… bine de tot … nebuuuun!
via buburuza
Vine ora urmatoare si invatatoarea incepe sa-i ia la verificat:
-Zi-i tu, Ionescule!Ai invatat? Sa te-auzim...
-Invatatoarea:Stai jos, mai aprofundeaza!
-Popescule, tu stii?
-Bravo!Si-n ordine descrescatoare?
-Te rog sa-nveti sa numeri si-n ordinne descrescatoare!Acum, stai jos.
In ultima banca, Bula se dadea de ceasu' mortii sa raspunda:'Eu, doamna invatatoare ,eu!'
-Hai,mai Bula, spune!
-Invers stii?
-Nerusinatule, iesi afara din clasa! Cum poti sa spui asemenea porcarii?
-Doamna invatatoare, asa se numara, dumneavoastra n-aveti decat un prapadit de liceu pedagogic , iar eu am invatat sa numar de la tatal meu care e inginer...
-Da' unde lucreaza tac-tu ,Bula?
-La 'Centrul de lansari spatiale Bucuresti'...
You're gonna be a shining star, and fancy cars, fancy car-ars.
And then you'll see, you're gonna go far.
Cause everyone knows, who you are-are.
So live your life, ay ay ay.
Instead of chasing that paper.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
You got no time for no inters.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
No telling where it'll take you.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Cause I'm a paper chaser.
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
Nevermind what haters say, ignore them 'til they fade away.
Amazing they ungreat for after all the games I gave away.
Safe to say I paved the way, for you can't get paid today.
You still be wasting days away, nah had I never saved the day.
Consider them my protégé, how much I think they should pay.
Instead of being gracious, they violated and made you wait.
I never been a hater still I love them, yeah I graze the way.
Some say they so yay and no they couldn't even work on Labor day.
It aint that they black or white, their hands of area in shades of grey.
I'm West side anyway, even if I left the day it fades away.
Some move away to make a way not move away cause they afraid.
I'll go back to the hood and all you ever did was hate away.
I pray for patience but they make me want to face away.
Like I once made them scream, now I could make them plead their case away.
Been thuggin' all my life, can't say I don't deserve to take a break.
If you ever see me catch a case, and watch my future fade away.
You're gonna be a shining star, and fancy cars, fancy car-ars.
And then you'll see, you're gonna go far.
Cause everyone knows, who you are-are.
So live your life, ay ay ay.
Instead of chasing that paper.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
You got no time for no inters.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
No telling where it'll take you.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Cause I'm a paper chaser.
Just living my life.
I'm the opposite of moderate, immaculately polished with the spirit of a hustler and the swagger of a college kid.
Allergic to the counterfeit, impartial to the politics.
Articulate but still would grab a nigga by the collar quick.
Whoever had problems, they reckonsile they just holla 'til.
If that don't work and just fails, then turn around and follow 'til.
I got love for the game but ay I'm not in love with all of it.
I do without the fame and the rappers nowadays are comedy.
The hootin' and the hollerin', back and forth with the argueing.
Where you from, who you know, what you make and what kind of car you in.
Seems as though you lost sight of whats important with the positive.
And checks until your bank account, and you're about poverted.
Your values is a disarrayed, prioritized are horribly.
Unhappy with the riches cause you pis-pone morraly.
Ignoring all prior advice and fore warning.
And we might be full of ourselves all of a sudden aren't we?
You're gonna be a shining star, and fancy cars, fancy car-ars.
And then you'll see, you're gonna go far.
Cause everyone knows, who you are-are.
So live your life, ay ay ay.
Instead of chasing that paper.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
You got no time for no inters.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
No telling where it'll take you.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Cause I'm a paper chaser.
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
So lïve your lïfe.

De fapt altceva vroiam sa scriu in articolul asta.. si m-am luat cu bilantul asta plictisitor. Vroiam sa zic ca s-a terminat vara... o vara care nu a depasit-o pe cea de anul trecut, care pana acum e cea mai misto vara din viata mea... . O vara care a inceput frumos... pe 1 iunie, dar care a luat o intorsatura neasteptata si neplacuta. Mijlocul verii a fost caracterizat de concediu... am fost in Vama, la the mission dance weekend, si prin tara 10 zile. [stiu ca v-am promis un articol referitor la asta... o sa incerc sa-l scriu cat mai repede]. A venit si august.. o luna de chillout, in care mi-am mai pus ordine in ganduri.. pentru a incepe in forta toamna. Mai sunt 4 luni din anul asta.. si vreau sa profit cat mai mult de ele.. si macar una din ele sa se ridice la nivelul lunii mai, care e cea mai buna luna de pana acum... . Acestea ziind fise, nu stiu cat de mult v-a interesat ce-am scris eu p-aici.. dar nici nu conteaza, trebuia sa ma descarc si eu pe undeva... si.. dupa cum ati vazut.. am mai facut un bilant.. se pare ca meseria de contabil te afecteaza si in afara programului :)) .
Ar mai fi ceva de zis, ma gandeam sa-mi cumpar un domeniu si sa ma mut pe wordpress, pentru ca e mai usor de folosit atat de mine cat mai ales de voi cititorii blogului lui Panda. Astept sugestiile voastre pentru un nume... si cine stie.. poate chiar cel sugerat de tine v-a fi noul link al blogului.
1. Coldplay – For You - 9 plays
2. Robbie Williams – Sexed Up - 9 plays
3. Chromeo – Needy Girl [Lifelike Remix] - 8 plays
4. MILK & SUGAR feat. ROXANNA WILDE – No No No (Terrace Dub Mix)- 7 plays
5. Rachael Starr – To Forever (Moonbeam Remix) - 7 plays
6. Taio Cruz feat. Luciana – Come On Girl (Radio Edit) - 6 plays
7. Laurent Wolf feat Eric Carter – No Stress - 6 plays
8. Desaparecidos Vs. Walter Master J – Ibiza (marchesini & farina remix) - 5 plays
9. Ashlee Simpson – Outta My Head - 5 plays
10. Green Day – Wake Me Up When September Ends- 5 plays
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