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Acum un an scriam primul articol de pe acest blog si va indemnam sa opriti incalzirea globala. Ei bine, multe s-au schimbat de-atunci... pe vremea aia nu prea eram eu asa pasionat de blogareala. Mai avusesem o oarecare experienta cu blogul de pe Yahoo! 360, dar nimic serios. De blogul asta am inceput sa ma ocup serios de prin octombrie, de cand am inceput sa pun articole amuzante si interesante aproape in fiecare zi. De-atunci si pana acum am strans 14000 de vizitatori, ceea ce nu poate decat sa ma bucure ca sunteti asa multi :d . De retinut ca nu sunt 14000 de vizitori unici, ci doar suma tuturor vizitatorilor unici din fiecare zi. Sa speram ca la anul o sa strang mai multi :D. Multumesc ca ma vizitati si va mai astept...

P.S. : Consultati arhiva pentru mai multe articole amuzante

P.P.S : La multi ani si celui mai misto tip din romania, adica Marius Tudor.

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I: Unde ajung toti oamenii dupa ce mor?
R: La OTV, bineinteles.

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O piesa fresh, de vara, semnata yves larock. cred ca in curand o sa o auzim si pe plajele de pe la noi...

Yves Larock - Say yeah

every day every time you got too run
too much fast to much stress where is the fun
we want peace and unity so put down your gun
so many cloudy days we need more sun
a brighter day
sadness and sorrow you got to let them go

When people say no no no
i really want to say yeah yeah yeah
when you feel low low low low
wait for a brighter day day day day

When people say no no no
i really want to say yeah yeah yeah
when you feel low low low low
wait for a brighter day day day day

no no no
yeah yea yea
day day day

run life is short my friend so why we run
if you hurry to much there is no fun
stop the violence people put down your gun
if your face is shining like the sun
a brighter day
sadness and sorrow you got to let them go

When people say no no no
i really want to say yeah yeah yeah
when you feel low low low low
wait for a brighter day day day day

no no no
yeah yea yea
day day day

if you're feeling low
or people tell you no no no
dont be afraid to show
and sing with me just owowo

When people say no no no
i really want to say yeah yeah yeah
when you feel low low low low
wait for a brighter day day day day

When people say no no no
i really want to say yeah yeah yeah
when you feel low low low low
wait for a brighter day day day day

no no no
yeah yea yea
day day day

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