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credits to Theo, via i-am-bored.com

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Sunt persoane care au diferite moduri in a se razbuna pe cei care i-au ranit. John al nostru si-a luat si el o teapa de la o tipa.. si s-a gandit sa se razbune publicand pe un site poze cu fosta lui prietena... ihateyoujulia.com e situl cu pricina. Eu am ales sa public pe blog intreaga poveste, nu stiu cat de mult m-a ajutat sau nu chestia asta... dar nu mai conteaza... trebuia sa reactionez intr-un fel.. si cred ca a fost destul de elegant. Dupa cum vedeti se poate si mai rau... si stati linistit ca n-o sa vedeti ihateyoudee.com si nici fuckyoubrutus.com ... i'm not that kind of guy :p

Acestea ziind fise.. declar inchis subiectul !!

everything happens for a reason...

what goes around comes around

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Veniti alaturi de noi LUNI intre ORELE 12-14 in PARCUL IZVOR vis-a-vis de intrarea spre Camera Deputatilor (Bd. Natiunile Unite) la mitingul de protest impotriva initiativei legislative prin care parlamentarii doresc permiterea vanatorii in parcurile nationale !
Spuneti NU vanatorii in parcurile nationale !
Sustinatori ai initiativei: Ministerul Mediului si Dezvoltarii Durabile, 85 organizatii si institutii, administratori si custozi de arii protejate, peste 12.000 persoane care au semnat petitia impotriva acestei initiative.
Mai multe detalii pe EcoAssist

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credits to The0

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Akcent - Stay with me

I remember a prison of all memories
And I`m drowning in tears
Come and help me please
Stay with me Stay with me
Baby when the lights go down

I was so craizy
All the time I made you cry.
You walk away and never said goodbye
On and on, on and on
I gues I lost you Now your gone.

I tried to hide the pain,
But all I see is you
How can I do it ?!
I don`t have a clue.
On and on,on and on
I gues I lost now your gone

I remember a prison of all memories
And I`m drowning in tears
Come and help me please
Stay with me Stay with me
Baby when the lights go down

I remember a voice
That was calling my name
And I now that someday
You will feel the same
Stay with me stay with me
Baby when the lights go down

I was so craizy
All the time I made you cry.
You walk away and never said goodbye
On and on, on and on
I gues I lost you Now your gone.

I tried to hide the pain,
But all I see is you
How can I do it ?!
I don`t have a clue.
On and on,on and on
I gues I lost now your gone

I remember a prison of all memories
And I`m drowning in tears
Come and help me please
Stay with me Stay with me
Baby when the lights go down

I remember a voice
That was calling my name
And I now that someday
You will feel the same
Stay with me stay with me
Baby when the lights go down

I remember a prison of all memories
And I`m drowning in tears
Come and help me please
Stay with me Stay with me
Baby when the lights go down

I remember a voice
That was calling my name
And I now that someday
You will feel the same
Stay with me stay with me
Baby when the lïghts go down

credits to bibilica

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