E regretabil ce se intampla in presa din Romania. Cum banii unui oier dicteaza tot in tara asta. Am fost ieri la meciul Dinamo - Poli Iasi 2-1. Am prins doar repriza a 2-a, pentru ca veneam de la serviciu. N-am prins golurile si nici eliminarea lui Stoican [nici macar reluarea fazei n-am vazut-o ulterior, dar nu contest decizia arbitrului]. In schimb am prins faza din min. 77, faza cu presupusul penalty neacordat iesenilor. Azi toata presa ataca Dinamo cum ca ar fi fost ajutata de arbitrii. Nimeni nu spune insa de off-side-ul premergator fazei, care.. ce sa vezi a fost fluierat inainte de "penalty-ul refuzat". Asa ca domnilor editorialisti, nu mai mancati cacat la adresa lui Dinamo si incercati sa fiti impartiali. Ati creeat in toti acesti ani ideea ca Dinamo e echipa blaturilor, ca Dinamo e ajutata de arbitrii... etc etc. dar de ultimele 2 titluri "cucerite" de stelisti nu ziceti nimic. Ca Becali alearga dupa autocarul echipelor adverse sa le "premieze" nu se vorbeste. De prestatiile lui Tudor in meciurile stelei nu se vorbeste. In schimb, doar Dinamo fura. Inteleg ca sunteti manjiti cu banii orierului dar deja intreceti masura. Ce e si mai indignant e faptul ca cei din conducerea lui Dinamo nu riposteaza in niciun fel.
Domnule Contescu, pentru articolul acesta ar trebui sa va cereti scuze public pentru inducerea in eroare a opiniei publice. Cred ca nici nu v-ati deplasat la stadion pentru ca alfel nu-mi explic cum un editorialist poate scrie asemenea minciuni. Dupa 18 ani de la revolutie, inca suntem mintiti cu televizorul. E jenant sa denaturati adevarul intr-un mod ordinar. RUSINE !!!
A doua piesa care imi place de pe noul album al lui Smiley este "Designed to love you".
Smiley - Designed to love you
From my shoulders to my chest
From my chat way down to my waist
From my hands down to my toes
I'm the man that really knows
From my iris to my lips
From my neck way down to my hips
From my heart to my brain
I'm designed to entertain
R: Designed to love you
Designed to love you
All the time
Designed to love you
Designed to love you
All the time
Designed to love you
Designed to love you
All the time
I'm designed to make you happy
Day and night
From my fingers to my elbows
From my nose way up to my hair yo
From my back back to my front
I'm designed to give you some
From my belly to my knees
From my lungs I'm calling you please
From my cheeks cheeks to my ears
I'm designed to love for years
Cause I'm designed to love you
To love you
To love you
Cause I'm designed to love you
To love you
To love you
Cause I'm designed to love you
To love you
To love you
Day and night
I'm designed to make you happy
Day and nïght
From my chat way down to my waist
From my hands down to my toes
I'm the man that really knows
From my iris to my lips
From my neck way down to my hips
From my heart to my brain
I'm designed to entertain
R: Designed to love you
Designed to love you
All the time
Designed to love you
Designed to love you
All the time
Designed to love you
Designed to love you
All the time
I'm designed to make you happy
Day and night
From my fingers to my elbows
From my nose way up to my hair yo
From my back back to my front
I'm designed to give you some
From my belly to my knees
From my lungs I'm calling you please
From my cheeks cheeks to my ears
I'm designed to love for years
Cause I'm designed to love you
To love you
To love you
Cause I'm designed to love you
To love you
To love you
Cause I'm designed to love you
To love you
To love you
Day and night
I'm designed to make you happy
Day and nïght
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