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Club de liga 1, cu problema UEFA rezolvata vindem la licitatie on-line meci contra celei mai mizerabile pretendente la titlu din istoria fotbalului romanesc. Criterii de eligibilitate: patron cu cel putin 1 tun imobliar in valoare de minim 1 mil $ la activ, cunostinte avansate in programe de comanda gen Microsoft Button 0.3, Refree Blinder 2008 sau FRF Godfather Payment ( inclusiv Lupescu Patch 1.1), IQ maxim admis=11. Cunoasterea dialectelor gen "pac-pac" "beeeiii hahalero" etc. nu e obligatorie insa poate fi un avantaj.
Licitatie se incheie pe data de 03.05.2008, orele 17:00 (pentru a avea timp sa fie informati toti factorii necesari
Pentru detalii accesati sau trimiteti e-mail la
Pentru eventuale medieri in caz de litigii:
Rugam seriozitate"

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You are never fully dressed until you wear a smile.

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Doctorul Ionescu s-a culcat cu una dintre pacientele lui si se simtea vinovat de multa vreme. Oricat de mult a incercat sa uite aceasta intamplare, nu reusea. Era mereu coplesit de sentimentul de vina si de tradare a juramantului profesional. Din cand in cand auzea acea voce calma, din interiorul lui, care-i spunea: 'Nu te mai stresa; nu esti primul medic care s-a culcat cu o pacienta si nu vei fi nici ultimul. Si esti burlac. Asa ca asta e ... Dar, invariabil, o alta voce il readucea la realitate: 'Ionescule, nu uita ca esti medic veterinar ..'

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Axwell - Watch The Sunrise

There's nothing more that I want
Than to touch you
To seek truth
In your eyes
The only thing that I want
Is to be with you
And watch the sunrise

Every time I see the sunset in your eyes
Words can not express the feeling deep inside
Your fire gives me sweet inspiration
When the morning comes
You bring life like a sunrise, sunrise

There's nothing more that I want
Than to touch you
To seek truth
In your eyes
The only thing that I want
Is to be with you (with you)
And watch the sunrise

There's nothing more that I want
Than to touch you
To seek truth
In your eyes
The only thing that I want
Is to be with you (to feel you)
And watch the sunrise

Every time I feel the pressure start to rise
Heaven only knows the way you've satisfied
Your fire gives me sweet consolation
And when the morning comes
You bring life like a sunrise, sunrise

Watch the sunrise

There's nothing more that I want
Than to touch you
To seek truth
In your eyes
The only thing that I want
Is to be with you (with you)
And watch the sunrise

There's nothing more that I want
Than to touch you
To seek truth
In your eyes
The only thing that I want
Is to be with you (to feel you)
And watch the sunrise

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