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Am primit si eu de la Marius Tudor, o rugaminte, nu o leapsa, despre o campanie de ajutorare a fetitei de numai 4 ani, diagnosticata cu o forma de leucemie foarta rara. Andra Cristina Nicolae, mai are nevoie de 30 000 € dintr-un total de 170 000 € pentru a putea face operatia care ii poate salva viata.

Pentru cei care pot ajuta, postez si eu conturile unde puteti dona bani pentru Andra:



Ambele conturi sunt deschise la BancPost.

mai multe detalii pe blogmeaway.ro

In speranta ca n-o sa treaca neobservata aceasta campanie, dau si eu mai departe asa-zisa leapsa urmatorilor: Vacutza, Ionut Puiu, Berbecutza, Tudor Chirila, blogului de moda veche, cabral, coldfired, suflet.normal, Passive.

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Finalurile fericite sunt pentru povestile care nu s-au terminat inca

powered by Joey

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Jake tragea sa moara. Sotia lui sedea langa el. El Deschise ochii si spuse cu vocea slaba..."Am ceva sa iti marturisesc". "Nu e nevoie" raspunse ea. "Ba nu, insist! Vreau sa mor impacat. Sa stii ca m-am culcat cu sora ta, cu prietena ta cea mai buna, cu prietena ei cea mai buna, si cu mama voastra" . "Stiu! - spuse sotia acum odihneste-te...si lasa otrava sa isi faca efectul"

credits to Andytzu

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Incerca suflet.normal acum cateva saptamani sa ne prezinte campania romaneasca impotriva accidentelor auto, dar am gasit aseara ceva care cred ca ar avea un impact mai mare asupra vitezomanilor.

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credits to Jeleu

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Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - Beggin' (Pilooski re-edit)

Put your lovin' hand out, baby
I'm beggin'
Beggin', put your lovin' hand out, baby
Beggin' you, put your lovin' hand out, baby

Ridin' high when I was king
Played it hard and fast cause I had everything
Walked away, wonderin' then
But easy come and easy go and it would end

I'm beggin' you, won't you give your hand out, baby
Beggin', put your lovin' hand out, baby

I need you to understand
That I tried so hard to be a man
The kind of man you'd want in the end
Only then can I begin to live again

An empty shell I used to be
Shadow of my life is hangin' over me
Broken man that I don't know
Will leave it standing, devil's dancing with my soul

Beggin' you, won't you give your hand out, baby
Beggin', put your lovin' hand out, baby

I'm fightin' hard to hold my own
No, I just can't make it all alone
I'm holdin' on, I can't fall back
Now that big brass ring is a shade of black

I'm beggin' you, give your hand out, baby
Beggin', won't you put your lovin' hand out, baby

credits to Mk

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