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d'ale lu' Panda,
de pe la altii
Zilele trecute mergeam spre casa putin intristata ca ma facusem de cacao in fata unui tip pe care l-am intrebat cat e ceasul, mi-a raspuns si eu zambind am scos telefonul in fata lui uitandu-ma la ceas. Mergeam stand in 385 fara casti ca nu-mi da mama bani pentru fire muzicale, ascultand doar vuietul tampitilor de langa mine si povestea unei englezoaice (pe care m-am caznit s-o cuprind cu vederea dar dracu stia cat de mica era sau ce alt defect fizic avea) care repeta la nesfarsit "my mother was killed by ...". Si am stat sa vad by cine era omorata ma-sa si ma intrebam daca nu cumva gagik era proiectul imaginatiei mele care daduse de un natarau si acum avea fluturi in stomac si implora atentie. "Avem nevoie de super eroi" aud deodata in cap. inmultesc. Aud voci peste voci cu personalitati diferite, cu boli diferite si halucinatii variate.
Iau o pauza.Ma uit pe sosea si schimb mainile pe bara din autobuz de parca eu as fi la volan. Ma observa o babuta si zambeste.Poc si-un cot in spate de la o curva rujata.Mai am o statie.Intuneric bezna in cartier.In parc nimeni.Ma simt singura si-mi zic" daca ajung cu bine pana la scara am un super erou".Ajung ok.Am super erou si nu-l vad frate.Nu-l vad si vreau sa-l vad ca sa stiu ca exista si e al meu...Intru pe mess:intuneric bezna si aici.Toti oamenii online dar pana ajung la strada mea cad toate becurile...Primesc un offline de la P. cu nu stiu ce radio. Il accesez(apropo nu merge)...apoi imi iau inima in dinti si zic" eu azi imi caut super eroul". Intre timp ma gandesc sa-l intreb pe P. de episoadele mele luate la negru. "P. ai luat alea?:d mi le poti da?:D:D", "dap" imi raspunde el probabil scapand o droaie de alte siteuri pe langa fereastra mea.
Si atunci mi-am zis...Panda e eroul meu mai exact"Panda: asteapta acum.. sa dezarivez... si pe urma sa rearhivez
menta: iarta copilul care te idolatrizeaza si si ia reviste cu benzi desenate unde tu esti erou" ...Mi-am gasit nu trebuie sa dau bani multi sa-l "rasfoiesc".Doar cateva sute de mii de lei vechi lunar sa pot intra pe mess si sa dau de panda dau:D si ma ajuta si tin la el...asa ca la un super erou ca pe supereroi ii ai cand e intuneric pe strada ta...
Avem nevoie de supereroi...fie ei de plastic sau parosi cum probabil e Panda ca are barba.Cioc.sau ce naiba ai... Super eroul meu ma ajuta sa iau filme la negru:D .Al vostru?
written by menta
Iau o pauza.Ma uit pe sosea si schimb mainile pe bara din autobuz de parca eu as fi la volan. Ma observa o babuta si zambeste.Poc si-un cot in spate de la o curva rujata.Mai am o statie.Intuneric bezna in cartier.In parc nimeni.Ma simt singura si-mi zic" daca ajung cu bine pana la scara am un super erou".Ajung ok.Am super erou si nu-l vad frate.Nu-l vad si vreau sa-l vad ca sa stiu ca exista si e al meu...Intru pe mess:intuneric bezna si aici.Toti oamenii online dar pana ajung la strada mea cad toate becurile...Primesc un offline de la P. cu nu stiu ce radio. Il accesez(apropo nu merge)...apoi imi iau inima in dinti si zic" eu azi imi caut super eroul". Intre timp ma gandesc sa-l intreb pe P. de episoadele mele luate la negru. "P. ai luat alea?:d mi le poti da?:D:D", "dap" imi raspunde el probabil scapand o droaie de alte siteuri pe langa fereastra mea.
Si atunci mi-am zis...Panda e eroul meu mai exact"Panda: asteapta acum.. sa dezarivez... si pe urma sa rearhivez
menta: iarta copilul care te idolatrizeaza si si ia reviste cu benzi desenate unde tu esti erou" ...Mi-am gasit nu trebuie sa dau bani multi sa-l "rasfoiesc".Doar cateva sute de mii de lei vechi lunar sa pot intra pe mess si sa dau de panda dau:D si ma ajuta si tin la el...asa ca la un super erou ca pe supereroi ii ai cand e intuneric pe strada ta...
Avem nevoie de supereroi...fie ei de plastic sau parosi cum probabil e Panda ca are barba.Cioc.sau ce naiba ai... Super eroul meu ma ajuta sa iau filme la negru:D .Al vostru?
written by menta
am fost rugat sa postez acest articol de catre menta. nu vreau sa-mi fac reclama :))
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La spitalul 9 inspectie...
Inspectorul intreaba: ce mananca nebunii??? Doctorul ii raspunde: broaste.
Inspectorul: si nu le e' scharba!?
Doctorul: nu ca le mananca cu clanta cu tot.
dimineata,soldatii ies la raport. Unul era julit pe nas, asa ca ofiterul il intreaba:
- Soldat, ce-ai patit la nas?
- Permiteti sa raportez, m-am muscat, sa traiti.
- Mai, nu ma pacalesti tu pe mine-nasul e mai sus decit gura.
- Da, sa traiti, dar m-am suit pe scaun.
La scoala: - Copii, sa presupunem ca as baga mana in buzunarul unui om si i-as lua banii. Ce ar insemna ca sunt? - Bula: Ministru de finante...
Inspectorul intreaba: ce mananca nebunii??? Doctorul ii raspunde: broaste.
Inspectorul: si nu le e' scharba!?
Doctorul: nu ca le mananca cu clanta cu tot.
dimineata,soldatii ies la raport. Unul era julit pe nas, asa ca ofiterul il intreaba:
- Soldat, ce-ai patit la nas?
- Permiteti sa raportez, m-am muscat, sa traiti.
- Mai, nu ma pacalesti tu pe mine-nasul e mai sus decit gura.
- Da, sa traiti, dar m-am suit pe scaun.
La scoala: - Copii, sa presupunem ca as baga mana in buzunarul unui om si i-as lua banii. Ce ar insemna ca sunt? - Bula: Ministru de finante...
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melodia zilei
Robbie Williams - Tripping
First they ignore you
Then laugh at you and hate you
Then they fight you, then you win
When the truth dies very bad things happen
They're being heartless again
(Chorus Backing Vocal:
Want you to love me
Want you to be
The heavens above me
I know it's coming there's going to be violence
I've taken as much as I'm willing to take
Why do you think we should suffer in silence?
When a heart is broken there's nothing to break
You've been mixing with some very heavy faces
The boys have done a bit of bird
They don't kill their own
And they all love their mothers
But you're out of your depth son have a word
(Chorus Backing Vocal:
Want you to love me
Want you to be
The heavens above me
I know it's coming there's going to be violence
I've taken as much as I'm willing to take
Why do you think we should suffer in silence?
The heart is broken there's nothing to break
All is wonderful in past lives
Dreaming of the sun she warms
You should see me in the afterlife
Picking up the sons of dust
When you think we're lost, we're exploring
What you think is worthless I'm adoring
You don't want the truth, truth is boring
I've got this fever need to
Leave the house, leave the car
Leave the bad men where they are
I'll leave a few shells in my gun
And stop me staring at the sun
(Chorus Backing Vocal:
Want you to love me
Want you to be
The heavens above me
I know it's coming there's going to be violence
I've taken as much as I'm willing to take
Why do you say we should suffer in silence?
My heart is broken there's nothing to break
Then laugh at you and hate you
Then they fight you, then you win
When the truth dies very bad things happen
They're being heartless again
(Chorus Backing Vocal:
Want you to love me
Want you to be
The heavens above me
I know it's coming there's going to be violence
I've taken as much as I'm willing to take
Why do you think we should suffer in silence?
When a heart is broken there's nothing to break
You've been mixing with some very heavy faces
The boys have done a bit of bird
They don't kill their own
And they all love their mothers
But you're out of your depth son have a word
(Chorus Backing Vocal:
Want you to love me
Want you to be
The heavens above me
I know it's coming there's going to be violence
I've taken as much as I'm willing to take
Why do you think we should suffer in silence?
The heart is broken there's nothing to break
All is wonderful in past lives
Dreaming of the sun she warms
You should see me in the afterlife
Picking up the sons of dust
When you think we're lost, we're exploring
What you think is worthless I'm adoring
You don't want the truth, truth is boring
I've got this fever need to
Leave the house, leave the car
Leave the bad men where they are
I'll leave a few shells in my gun
And stop me staring at the sun
(Chorus Backing Vocal:
Want you to love me
Want you to be
The heavens above me
I know it's coming there's going to be violence
I've taken as much as I'm willing to take
Why do you say we should suffer in silence?
My heart is broken there's nothing to break
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