- auzi ma, aseara nu am venit varza, am spart usa si am borat pe pereti?
- ba da
- si nu am urlat la voi, am dat muzica la maxim si i-am spart bibelourile maica-tii?
- ba da
- pai si ce e cu micul dejun?
- e de la mama pentru ca aseara cand a vrut sa te dezbrace i-ai zis: "ma scuzati, doamna, eu sunt casatorit"
In (and out)
In (and out)
In (and out) of love
I can make no sense of the nonsense said
That thing that is sad and bare
My filter's broke so I'm resigned
To say the first thing that comes to me mind
Chisels off the chestnut Bonaparte
How much for a broken heart
Came for the money
Staying for the art
Now be a good girl and play your part
Your precious heart
It scared me from the start of this
My soul in the dark
Prepare me for the light
I'm in and out of love
Just like anyone
I'm in and out of love
Can't you see
I'm in and out of love
Just can't get enough
You're in and out of love
Just like me
Time don't change things I do
Cold and dead 'cause I'm sicker than you
Careless now, if you care back
Wish I could do a little better than that
I'll admit that I'm out of my depth
When I leave it with nothing left
The DNA is not all mine
It's not my fault
It's my design
Your precious heart
It scared me from the start of this
My soul in the dark
Prepare me for the light
I'm in and out of love
Just like anyone
I'm in and out of love
Can't you see
I'm in and out of love
Just can't get enough
You're in and out of love
Just like me
In (and out)
In (and out)
In (and out)
In (and out) of love
In (and out)
In (and out) of love
In (and out)
In (and out)
I've been told I could if I tried
I did not like what was implied
So I tried, the flowers died
I guess I'm just a short term ride
I'll be a cameo in your dream
A big pop hero soda stream
How good was I on your team
You'd like me now, I'm really clean
Your precious heart
It scared me from the start of this
My soul in the dark
Prepare me for the light
I'm in and out of love
Just like anyone
I'm in and out of love
Can't you see
I'm in and out of love
Just can't get enough
You're in and out of love
Just like me
Vorbim de un domeniu in care informatia abundenta provine din numeroase sfere de cercetare - stiintifice, tehnice, ale prognozei - dar si sfere ale spiritualitatii - filosofice, religioase, artistice, science-fiction - sau simpla fabulatie de cafenea. Pentru ca a vorbi despre anul 2012 a devenit o moda, o cale de initiere, o noua autostrada de canalizat sperante.
Celebrul regizor Mel Gibson a inceput la sfarsitul anului trecut filmarile in Mexic pentru ecranizarea unei carti sacre a precolumbienilor mayasi: Popol Vuh. Sunt folositi actori indigeni, iar filmul este vorbit integral in limba maya. Si, fapt important, filmul se intituleaza "Apocalypto", avand legatura directa cu evenimentele despre care se crede tot mai mult ca vor avea loc in anul 2012.
Se inverseaza polii magnetici ai Pamantului
Din punct de vedere stiintific, lucrurile par simple: spre sfarsitul anului 2012, polaritatea actuala a Pamantului urmeaza sa se schimbe. Procesul de mutare al polilor a fost deja pus in evidenta de satelitii de observatie meteo. Consecintele constau in incalzirea regiunii arctice prin cresterea temperaturii medii anuale cu cinci grade fata de media generala a secolului trecut (UPI, febr. 2006). Urmarea directa este topirea glaciara si cresterea nivelului Oceanului planetar. In Australia, cercetatorii au constatat o crestere cu 19,5 cm intre 1870 si 2004, pana la sfarsitul secolului 21 cresterea atingand 30 de cm. Pare putin, dar daca aflam ca nu este nevoie ca nivelul Oceanului planetar sa creasca cu un metru ca marile porturi ale lumii sa fie inundate, vom vedea ca nu e vorba de glume. Associated Press publica la 9 decembrie 2005 articolul "Polul Nord se misca spre Siberia", dar, in mod simetric, nici cel sudic nu sta pe loc.
Polii magnetici sunt parte a campului magnetic generat de miezul de fier lichid al Pamantului. In ultimii 150 de ani, polul Nord magnetic a migrat cca 685 de mile in zona arctica.
Catastroficele anomalii climatice din ultimii ani Ð tsunami, cutremure, tornade - confirma relatia cauza-efect in contextul fenomenelor geo-magnetice aflate in curs. Activitatea seismico-vulcanica a crescut cu 500% din 1875 incoace si continua sa creasca.
Rezonanta Schumann - pulsul Terrei
Elementul de sprijin pentru aceste prognoze il constituie asa-numita Rezonanta Schumann. Planeta noastra se manifesta ca un imens circuit electro-magnetic ale carui proprietati fizice au fost puse in evidenta de fizicianul german W.O. Schumann, intre anii 1952-1957. Rezonanta Schumann - sau pulsul Terrei - a fost, vreme de milenii, stabil, la valoarea de 7,83 de cicli pe secunda. Incepand cu anul 1980, aceasta valoare a crescut mereu, avand astazi 12 cicli pe secunda. Paradoxal, dar acest fapt duce la schimbarea calitatii timpului, ziua, in acest plan, nemaiavand 24 de ore, ci 16. Nu de un proces cronologic vorbim, ci de unul infra-material, din intimitatea profunda a materiei vii. Procesul continua, ajungand in decembrie 2012 la zero, practic, la un re-start temporal-energetic. Nu e un sfarsit real al Lumii, ci sunt schimbari calitative mai greu de imaginat chiar si astazi. Tocmai acest fenomen este descris de vechii mayasi in Popol Vuh, astronomii lor localizand cu precizie trecerea "de la a cincea Lume la cea de-a sasea", in 21 decembrie 2012. Din acest punct de vedere, filmul lui Mel Gibson este o creatie "preventiva".
Tot atunci, planul Sistemului nostru solar se va alinia cu planul galactic al Caii Lactee. Polii se schimba de doua ori intr-un ciclu de 26.000 de ani, fapt observat si de cunoscatorii indieni in urma cu 2500 de ani: "un Univers dureaza cat o inspiratie si o expiratie a lui Brahma".
Schimbari fundamentale ale fiintei umane
Interesant este faptul ca, o data cu cresterea Rezonantei Schumann, creste si nivelul vibrational al oricarei fiinte vii de pe Pamant. Consecintele directe deriva din schimbari fundamentale de comportament. Mai ales tinerii nu vor mai accepta vechile institutii, care vor disparea cu timpul. Tehnologia, asa cum o cunoastem noi astazi, va disparea la randul ei. Cunostintele actuale despre Timp si Spatiu vor suferi modificari majore. Va fi depasita necesitatea Banului ca valoare de referinta. ADN-ul uman va suferi reprogramari, trecand la 12 spirale in loc de doua. Schimbarea va afecta ciclul veghe-somn, relatiile cu ceilalti si reglarea imunitara a organismelor.
Posibile simptome ar mai fi migrene, oboseala, crampe musculare, gripe, vise intense, cresterea sensibilitatii corpului supus la tot mai multe vibratii. Dar vor creste abilitatile intuitive si capacitatile de regenerare, se activeaza capacitati latente, nou-nascutii fiind mai dotati, iar ochiul uman se va transforma in functie de noua atmosfera si de cresterea luminozitatii.
Vremurile biblice din urma?
Aceste concluzii nu sunt ale unui singur om, nici ale unui mitoman clarvazator, ci ele converg dintr-o multitudine de surse grupand fizicieni, medici, astronomi, psihologi, preoti, o parte dintre ei ocupandu-se serios de ceea ce se numeste viitorologie. Informatiile disparate nu spun aproape nimic, dar ele trebuie in permanenta corelate. De exemplu, geofizicianul Gauthier Hulot a constatat ca in Atlanticul de Sud campul magnetic stabil este cu aproape 30% mai slab. Ornitologi din nordul Europei si din Canada constata tot mai des ca intregi carduri de pasari migratoare "gresesc" tintele de migratie, "radarul" lor infailibil fiind, de milenii, campul magnetic. Columbofilii din Arad au trimis la Atena, la deschiderea Jocurilor Olimpice, 850 de porumbei dintre care s-au intors doar 50, iar Ungaria a trimis 1.500 dintre care s-au intors 40. Satelitii de la limita stratosferei se defecteaza cand trec prin zone de campuri magnetice mai slabe.
Grupuri de cercetatori efectueaza in secret serii intregi de experimente legate de viitor si de studiul Timpului, un astfel de experiment recent fiind Proiectul Montauk. Putini au vorbit despre el, dar cei care au facut-o au spus ca "n-au vazut nimic dincolo de decembrie 2012". Religiile exploateaza in mod copios toate aceste informatii si semnale, de pe acum filosofii crestini numind anul esoteric 2012 "Revenirea la Glorie".
Din motive cu totul deosebite, foarte multi oameni si-au dat seama de accelerarea timpului si se plang ca ziua nu le mai ajunge sa faca tot ce au de facut. Poate ca aceste interpretari explica intreaga nebunie accelerata in care se desfasoara actualele relatii internationale, goana dupa energie, cu tot cortegiul de razboaie, tranzienta accelerata a relatiilor dintre oameni, cresterea deliranta a consumismului si excesul fara precedent al productiei de "obiecte non-necesare vietii decente", cum le numesc recentele analize ale ONU.
Diverse religii si credinte "asteapta" sfarsitul Lumii la date antecalculate cu mari perioade de timp inainte. Iata cateva dintre ele:
Sfarsitul calendarului maya actual - 21 decembrie 2012
Alinierea generala planetara - 8 septembrie 2040
Sfarsitul, dupa calendarul musulman - 2076
Sfarsitul, dupa calendarul evreiesc - 2240
A cam trecut V-Day, dar e un fimultet foarte funny. Enjoy !!
Spitalul de urgenta - Cantec din palma ta
Nu intreba, nu incerca
Sa imi explici ce-i dragostea
E un cuvant necunoscut
Ascuns de mult in palma ta
Ti l-am adus c-un sarut intr-o seara
Din palma ta a cazut
Si-l cauti mereu
Drumul e lung
Spre inima ta
Nu mai ajung
Pe cerul meu
A mai cazut o stea
Urme de pasi
Am cautat
In suflet nimeni n-a intrat
Nu mai astept
Ai sa gasesti
Un cantec ravasit in pat
Buzele tale sa-l cante
Poate intelegi ceva
Nimeni nu stie
Cantecul din palma ta
Drumul e lung
Spre inima ta
Nu mai ajung
Pe cerul meu
A mai cazut o stea
Drumul e lung
Spre inima ta
Nu mai ajung
Pe cerul meu
A maï cazut o stea
[stiu ca si asta a mai fost, dar si asta se potriveste pt azi...]
Simplu - Hai/Bye
Stop..., go.., un, un-doi, trei
Stop..., go.., un, un-doi, trei
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na
E 'hai' sau 'bye'.
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na
Spune 'hai' sau 'bye'
Eu de mult incerc sa te-nteleg
Spune, draga mea, 'Hai' sau 'Bye'.
1-2-3, spune-mi repede daca vrei
Daca vrei sa raman, spune-mi 'Stai'
Daca nu eu ma duc, bye-bye.
4-5-6, mai cunosc fete frumoase
Care stiu, stiu ce vor
Vor sa ma * in dormitor.
Nu ma priveste ce gandeste lumea rea
Daca vrei sa fii cu mine dovedeste-mi dragostea.
Un-un, doi, trei
Un-un doi, treï
And I realize that everything I do is affecting the people around me
So I want to take this time out to apologize for things that
I've done things that haven't occurred yet
and things that they don't want to take responsibility for
I'm sorry for the times that I left you home
I was on the road and you were alone
I'm sorry for the times that I had to go
I'm sorry for the fact that I did not know
That you were sitting home just wishing we
Could go back to when it was just you and me
I'm sorry for the times I would neglect
I'm sorry for the times I disrespect
I'm sorry for the wrong things that I've done
I'm sorry I'm not always there for my sons
I'm sorry for the fact that I'm not aware
That you can't sleep at night when I am not there
Because I'm in the streets like everyday
I'm sorry for the things that I did not say
Like how you are the best thing in my world
And how I'm so proud to call you my girl
I understand that there's some problems
And I'm not too blind to know
All the pain you kept inside you
Even though you might not show
If I can't apologize for being wrong
Then it's just a shame on me
I'll be the reason for your pain
And you can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me
Said you can put the blame on me
Said you can put the blame on me
Said you can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me
I'm sorry for the things that he put you through
And all the times you didn't know what to do
I'm sorry that you had to go and sell those bags
Just trying to stay busy until you heard from dad
When you would rather be home with all your kids
As one big family with love and bliss
And even though pops treated us like kings
He got a second wife and you didn't agree
He got up and left you there all alone
I'm sorry that you had to do it on your own
I'm sorry that I went and added to your grief
I'm sorry that your son was once a thief
I'm sorry that I grew up way to fast
I wish I would of listened and not be so bad
I'm sorry that your life turned out this way
I'm sorry that the feds came and took me away
I understand that there's some problems
And I'm not too blind to know
All the pain you kept inside you
Even though you might not show
If I can't apologize for being wrong
Then it's just a shame on me
I’ll be the reason for your pain
And you can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me
Said you can put the blame on me
Said you can put the blame on me
Said you can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me
I'm sorry that it took so long to see
But they were dead wrong trying to put it on me
I'm sorry that it took so long to speak
But I was on tour with Gwen Stefani
I'm sorry for the hand that she was dealt
And for the embarrassment that she felt
She's just a little young girl trying to have fun
But daddy should of never let her out that young
I'm sorry for Club Zen getting shut down
I hope they manage better next time around
How was I to know she was underage
In a 21 and older club they say
Why doesn't anybody want to take blame
Verizon backed out disgracing my name
I'm just a singer trying to entertaïn
Because I love my fans I'll take that blame
Even though the blame's on you
Even though the blame's on you
Even though the blame's on you
I'll take that blame from you
And you can put that blame on me
And you can put that blame on me
You can put that blame on me
You can put that blame on me
And you can put that blame on me
And you can put that blame on me
uite ca am si melodia mea proprie :)) pacat ca nu se potriveste in totalitate :p
Sweet Kiss - Alin
Alin, Alin
Toti ma striga Alin
Sunt un baiat fin si inimi curat de venin
Imi plac fetele si manelele
Discotecile si cismelele
Alin, Alin
Esti un baiat fin
Te vreau langa mine si dupa tine eu suspin
Tu ma faci sa ma simt bine
Sunt o femeie langa tine
Tu esti totul pentru mine
Eu sunt numai pentru tine.
Toate fetele mor dupa tine
Nopti cu tine ele-si doresc
Toate fetele mor dupa tine
Pentru tine fata e ceva firesc
Tu Alin, Alin, Alin, numai inimi, tu Alin
Inima tu mi-o alini
Tu Alin, Alin, Alin
Tu Alin, Alin, Alin, numai inimi, tu Alin
Inima tu mi-o alini
Tu Alin, Alin, Alin
Fetitele ma cauta caci stiu sa le ocrotesc
Tot ce au nevoie doar la mine ele gasesc
Pe baieti ii respect si stiu ca nu e drept
Sunt fara vina mea cu cinci secunde mai destept.
M-am indragostit de tine, inima imi bate-n piept
Tu Alin, Alin, Alin, doar pe tine te astept
Vreau sa ma saruti
Si nicodata sa nu uiti c-a fost o data, doar o data
A fost atunci in mintea ta.
Toate fetele mor dupa tine
Telul tau e sa te distrezi
Toate fetele mor dupa tine
Ochii tai albastri le innebunesc.
Toate fetele mor dupa tine
Nopti cu tine ele-si doresc
Toate fetele mor dupa tine
Pentru tine fata e ceva firesc
Tu Alin, Alin, Alin, numai inimi, tu Alin
Inima tu mi-o alini
Tu Alin, Alin, Alin
Tu Alin, Alin, Alin, numai inimi, tu Alin
Inima tu mi-o alini
Tu Alin, Alin, Alin
[stiu ca a mai fost... dar se potriveste pentru azi :p]
Alex - Doamna mea
Ma trezesc
Deschid ochi,
Si privesc
In dreapta mea,
Si'mi zambesti
Te descopar sub cearceafuri,
Ce frumoasa esti….
Cea mai frumoasa.
La bine,la rau
Usor sau greu,
Dai mereu culoare sufletului meu....
Dai mereu culoare sufletului meu,
Ma faci sa rad cand imi vine sa plang
Oriunde as fi te port cu mine in gand,
Te port cu mine in gand.
Refren x 2:
Tu esti doamna mea,
Shi imi spune inima,
Ca te voi iubi,
Pana voi imbatrani.
Te ador
Te ating,
Shi ne unim
Intr-un sarut,
Pana in zori
Facem dragoste,incet,
Te iubesc atat de mult,
La bine,la rau
Usor sau greu,
Dai mereu culoare sufletului meu....
Dai mereu culoare sufletului meu,
Ma faci sa rad cand imi vine sa plang
Oriunde as fi te port cu mine in gand,
Te port cu mine in gand.
Refrem x 10
Tu esti doamna mea,
Shi imi spune inima,
Ca te voi iubi,
Pana voï ïmbatranï.
The Fratellis - Whistle For The Choir
Well it's a big big city and it's always the same
Can never be too pretty tell me you your name
Is it out of line if I were so bold to say "Would you be mine"?
Because I may be a beggar and you maybe the queen
I know I maybe on a downer am still ready to dream
Now it's 3 o'clock time it takes for you to talk
So if you're lonely why'd you say your not lonely
Oh your a silly girl, I know I hurt it so
It's just like you to come
And go you know me no you don't even know me
Your so sweet to try, oh my, you caught my eye
A girl like you's just irresistible
Well it's a big big city and the lights are all out
But it's much as I can do you know to figure you out
And I must confess, my hearts in broken pieces
And my heads a mess
And it's 4 in the morning, and I'm walking along
Beside the ghost of every drinker here who has ever done wrong
And it's you, woo hoo
That's got me going crazy for the things you do
So if your crazy I don't care you amaze me
Oh your a stupid girl, oh me, oh my, you talk
I die, you smile, you laugh, I cry
And only, a girl like you could be lonely
And it's a crying shame, if you would think the same
A boy like me's just irresistible
So if your lonely, why'd you say you're not lonely
Oh your a silly girl, I know I hurt it so
It's just like you to come and go
And know me, no you don't even know me
Your so sweet to try oh my, you caught my eye
A girl like you's just irresistible
Browser-ul a suferit câteva modificări de design şi de structură care ar trebui să determine randarea mai rapidă a paginii, mai multă personalizare prin posibilitatea de a introduce o adresă în bookmark printr-un singur click, şi descărcare mai eficientă, incluzând un indicator al desfăşurării acesteia în status bar şi verificare anti-virus.
Puteţi descărca Browser-ul de aici.
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Si ca tot veni vorba de bloguri noi, Berbecutza si-a lansat si ea blogul, si tot de la Ionut Puiu, aveti un blog special pentru iPodul vostru, so... Enjoy an Apple. Pentru cei pasionati de muzica, Ionut v-a pregatit un blog special, denumit Sound Test Team . Cam atat momentan, keep up the good work iwasspotless !!
Vama Veche - Nu am chef azi
Nu am chef azi, nu am chef azi,
N-am chef de nimic.
Nu am chef azi, nu am chef azi
De vodca sau de gin,
Tequila, rom sau vin
Tigari, nu mai vorbesc
Iar pe tine, pe tine,
Pe tine te urasc.
Nu te vreau azi.
Nu ma vrei azi, nu ma vrei azi...
Imi spuse ea razand
Nu ma vrei azi, nu ma vrei azi...
S-a ridicat usor, avea un umar gol
Si zambetul amar,
Baiete esti prost, iar eu nu sunt o curva
Pe-un trotuar!
Nu ma vrei azi? Nu te vreau azi!
Nimic mai usor
Nu ma vrei azi! Nu te vreau azi!
Eu voi pleca-n curand,
Ramai cu mine-n gand.
E lapte-n frigider, iar banii, ciorapii si
Sapca ta sunt pe calorifer.
Te-am iubit, maaaa!
Te iubeam! Fraiere!
"Ne vedem joi, ne vedem joi",
Am urlat dupa ea.
Vreau sa vii joi, vreau sa vii joi
Alerg descult pe hol,
Dar holul este gol
Un paharel de vin, ma uit: Cine e?
Vecinul meu Dan de la mezanin.
Au trecut ani, au trecut ani
Si viata s-a schimbat.
Au trecut ani, au trecut ani
Mi-am luat si eu nevasta
Urata si cam proasta,
Am doi copii cu ea
Si ii feresc cat pot de mult
De soacra mea.
Au trecut ani, au trecut ani
Si viata s-a schimbat.
Au trecut ani, au trecut ani
Ma duc mereu pe hol, dar holul este gol
Nu-i lapte-n frigider, iar banii, ciorapii
Si sapca nu-s pe calorifer.
Au trecut ani, nu-s pe calorifer,
Au trcut ani, am fost un fraier,
Un mare, mare fraïer...
N'Sync feat. Nelly - Girlfriend
Uh, Ay, Ay
Uh, Would you be my girl?
Would you be my,
(Would you be my girlfriend?)
Uh, Ay, Yeah
Check it
He don't want you like I want you believe me boo I been told
He don't appreciate you, ma, I can tell by the way he hold you
He don't love you like I do love you
He don't squeeze you like I squeeze
I'll make your neck pop back and in fact I'll buckle your knees (hey)
Okay, baby what's it gon' take for you to be my lady (tell me right now)
I hear your friends say you should
Your parents tell you what's good
Your lil' sista' keep yellin' Nelly, I wish you would
But you hesitatin debatin' whether or not it's real
I ain't shootin game, boo, I'm just tellin you how I feel
I'm diggin everything about you
Your hips an' the way the swing
I hate to see you leave boo, but love to see you walk away
I'll be your personal shrink boo I care what ya think
I bought the Bentely in pink cuz my dough in sync
So tell ya man bye bye and tell 'em you're long (gone)
Ain't no needin' wait up you done found you another (home)
I don't know why you care (why you thinkin' bout it mamma?)
He doesn't even know you're there
'Cause he don't love your eyes (no)
And he don't love your smile (no)
Girl you know that ain't fair (c'mon)
In the middle of the night
Is he gonna be by your side?
Or will he run and hide?
You don't know cause things ain't clear
And baby when you cry
Is he gonna stand by your side?
Does the man even know you're alive?
I got an idea
Why don't you be my girlfriend
I'll treat you good (I'll treat you good girl)
I know you hear your friends when they say you should
'Cause if you were my girlfriend
I'd be your shining star
The one to show you where you are
Girl you should be my girlfriend
Does he know what you feel (he know what you feel?)
Are you sure that it's real yeah (are you sure?)
Does he ease your mind (no)
Or does he break your stride?
Did you know that love could be a shield yeah
In the middle of the night (ohhh)
Is he gonna be by your side? (no no - no)
Or will he run and hide?
You don't know cause things ain't clear
And baby when you cry (ooohh)
Is he gonna stand by your side? (no no)
Does the man even know you're alive?
I got an idea (listen girl)
So won't you be my girlfriend (yeah yeah)
I'll treat you good (I'll treat you good girl)
I know you hear your friends when they say you should, baby
'Cause if you were my girlfriend (uh uh uh uh)
I'd be your shining star (I'd be the one to shine for ya, girl)
The one to show you where you are (Check it, ah ah ah ah ah ah)
Girl you should be my girlfriend
I need a fiance cute as Beyonce
Ghetto like Da Brat
Ready to scrap when I say
The talents of Alicia, my fault Ms. Keys
I take the hips off Trina
The lips off Eve
I put ya so high on a pedestal, it might make ya nose bleed
So much ice around ya ankles, and watch ya toes freeze
What's wrong, ma? Ya man ain't bringing ya joy?
Don't trip flip ya scrip to a country boy
Now c'mon
Ever since I saw your face
Nothing in my life has been the same
I walk around just saying your name
Without you my world would end, yeah
I've searched around this whole damn place
And everything says you were meant to be
My girlfriend... oh
(Hey girl)
Why don't you be my girlfriend (yeah)
I'll treat you good (uh)
I know you hear your friends when they say you should
(I know you hear your friends when they say you should)
'Cause if you were my girlfriend (my girlfriend)
I'd be your shining star (be your shining star yeahh)
The one to show you where you are
Girl you should be my girlfriend (you make my heart sing)
Ahh... (uh uh uh uh) you make my heart sing
Ahh... you make my heart sing
Ahh... (uh uh uh uh) my baby, baby, yeah you make my heart sing
Ahh... girl you should be my girlfriend (would you be my)
Girl you should be my girlfriend (would you be my girl)
Girl you should be my girlfriend (would you be my)
Girl you should be my girlfrïend...

Pe 13 februarie 1974 - se naste in

1997: Life tru a Lens
1998: I've Been Expecting You
1999: The Ego Has Landed
2000: Sing When You're Winning
2001: Swing When You're Winning
2002: Escapology
2003: Live At Knebworth
2004: Greatest Hits
2005: Intensive Care
2006: Rudebox
~ The Show Off Must Go On (Octombrie - Noiembrie 1997)
~ The Ego Has Landed (Mai - Iunie 1998)
~ One More For The Rogue (Ianuarie 1998 - Martie 1999)
~ Man, The Myth, The Tax Bill (aka Born To Be mild) (Mai - Iunie 1999)
~ Get Your Coat Baby, You've Pulled! (Octombrie 1999)
~ The Sermon On The Mount (Octombrie2000)

~ The Sermon On The Mount (Februarie - Martie 2001, Turneul European)
~ Weddings, Barmitzvahs & Stadiums (Iulie - August 2001)
~ Sing When You're Pacific Rimming (Octombrie - Noiembrie 2001, Turneul Australo-asian)
~ Weekends Of Mass Distraction (Iunie - August 2003)
~ Cock of Justice/Aussie Typo Tour (Octombrie - Decembrie 2003)
~ Close Encounters Tour (Aprilie - Decembrie 2006)
Azi, Robbie Williams implineste varsta de 34 de ani. Multi inainte Robb si te asteptam in Romania. Si ca tot veni vorba de el, se zvoneste ca pe 3 martie lanseaza un nou album swing. Abia astept sa ascult noul album. Cat despre concerte... nu se anunta nimic nou... din pacate...
Happy Birthday Robbie !!!
Robbie Williams - Better man
Send someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain
Give me endless summer
Lord I fear the cold
Feel I'm getting old
Before my time
As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doing all I can
To be a better man
Go easy on my conscience
'Cause it's not my fault
I know I've been taught
To take the blame
Rest assured my angels
Will catch my tears
Walk me out of here
I'm in pain
As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doing all I can
To be a better man
Once you've found that lover
You're homeward bound
Love is all around
Love is all around
I know some have fallen
On stony ground
But Love is all around
Send someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain
Give me endless summer
Lord I fear the cold
Feel I'm getting old
Before my time
As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doïn' all I can
To be a better man
Si pentru ca tot azi e ziua lu' bro, care implineste si el 24 de ani.. am o melodie de-a lu Robbie si pentru el... ca tot e azi ziua Robbie Williams. La multi ani bro !!
Robbie Wiliams feat. Faithless - My Culture
This long line of people
That goes back to the beginning of time
And when we meet - they meet other lines of people
And we say bring together the lines of me
When I look back over the years
At the things that brought tears to my eyes
Papa said we have to be wise
To live long lives
Now I recognize
What my father said before he dies
Vocalize things I've left unsaid
Left my spirit unfed for too long
I'm coming home to my family
Where I can be strong
Be who I planned to be
Within me my ancestory
Givin'me continuity
This is what my Daddy told me
I wished he would hold me
A little more
Than he did
But he taught me my culture
And how to live positive
I never wanna shame
The blood in my veins and bring pain
to my sweet grandfathers face
In his resting place
I made haste to learn and not waste
everything my forefathers earned in tears
For my culture
Fall back again
Crawl from the warm water
(For my culture)
Water to air
You're on your feet again
Your feet again.
Hello Dad,
Remember me?
I'm the man you thought I'd never be.
I'm the boy who you
Reduced to tears
Dad, I'd been lonely for 27 years
Yeah, that's right
My name Bob
I'm the one
Who landed the popstar's job
I'm the one who
You told look, don't touch
I'm the kid
Who wouldn't amount too much.
I believe in the senses that I sound
I have always been around
Won't you help me drown it out?
And When I feel
What I'm feeling is so real
I'm a massive of spinnin' wheels
Always digging in my heels
Now I got the faith to
Fall back again
Crawl from the warm water
Water to air
You're on your feet again
Your feet again.
This is what my Daddy told me
I wished he would hold me
A little more
than he did
But he told me my culture
And how to live positive
I never wanna shame
The blood in my veins and bring pain
To my sweet grandfathers face
in his resting place
I make haste to learn and not waste
everything my forefathers earned in tears
For my culture
Fall back again
Crawl from the warm water
Water to air
You're on your feet again
Your feet again
(For my culture)
Fall back again
Crawl from the warm water
Water to air
Your on your feet again
Your feet agaïn
(For my culture)
The Beatles - Here Comes the Sun
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
And I say it's all right
Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
And I say it's all right
It's all rïght
In sfarsit a aparut si videoclipul oficial al melodiei celor de la 3 sud est.
3 Sud Est - Vorbe care dor
La noapte am sa plec
Caci nu mi-e usor
Cand simt iarasi patul rece si gol
Si glasul tau ca un ecou...
O noua zi
Tu n-ai sa stii
Privesc spre cer s-ntreb de ce
N-au nici un rost regretele
Iar ma intrept spre nicaieri
Ref:Vorbe,vorbe care tot mai dor
Vorbe spuse prea usor
Diminetile tarzii...
Vorbe,vorbe care tot mai dor
Vorbe spuse prea usor
Nu mai poate fii ceva intre noi
Sunt doar iluzii->de7ori in soapta
La noapte am sa plec
Mi-e greu dar incerc
Vreau din mintea mea cumva sa sterg
Vorbe in care nu mai cred
In fiinta mea
E o lupta grea
Sa nu privesc in urma mea
Si bratele larg le-am deschis
Ma las purtat de vant prin noapte
Voltaj - Si ce?
Si ce ! (Si ce !)
Daca viata ti-a luat mai mult decat ti-a dat
Si ce ! (Si ce !)
Poti alege sa visezi sau poti alege sa pierzi
Dar e bine cand poti spune
'Nu sunt singur in ploaie si vant.
Am cei mai buni prieteni de pe Pamant.'
Pot sa pierd in viata tot
Nu imi pasa, ma ridic la loc
Si poti sa-mi iei ce vrei
Cand am langa mine toti prietenii mei.
Si ce ? (Si ce !)
Vrei nu vrei, se-ntampla in viata sa mai si cazi
Si ce ? (Si ce !)
Nu te mai gandi la maine ca uiti ziua de azi
Si e bine ca poti spune
'Nu sunt singur in ploaie si vant.
Am cei mai buni prieteni de pe Pamant.'
Si ce ? (Si ce !)
Vrei nu vrei, se-ntampla in viata sa mai si cazi
Si ce ? (Si ce !)
Nu te mai gandi la maine ca uiti ziua de azï
La multi ani Ralucutzaaa !!!!
Nickelback - If everyone cared
From underneath the trees, we watch the sky
Confusing stars for satellites
I never dreamed that you'd be mine
But here we are, we're here tonight
Singing Amen, I'm alive
Singing Amen, I'm alive
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
We'd see the day when nobody died
And I'm singing
Amen I, I'm alive
Amen I, I'm alive
And in the air the fireflies
Our only light in paradise
We'll show the world they were wrong
And teach them all to sing along
Singing Amen I'm alive
Singing Amen I'm alive
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
We'd see the day when nobody died
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
We'd see the day when nobody died
And as we lie beneath the stars
We realize how small we are
If they could love like you and me
Imagine what the world could be
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
We'd see the day when nobody died
We'd see the day, we'd see the day
When nobody died
We'd see the day, we'd see the day
When nobody died
We'd see the day when nobody died
Cum sa devii emo-kid:
cum sa devii manelist:
sau click aici.
so.. care dintre variante vi se pare cea mai interesanta? Tu in ce categorie te incadrezi?
Ultimul videoclip semnat Kylie Minogue, special pentru voi...
Kylie Minogue - In my arms
How do you describe a feeling?
I've only ever dreamt of this.
DJ's spinning up my favorite song,
Hurry up and get a grove on.
Light fantastic and it won't be long,
Don't let the moment slip away.
'Cause you and I could find a pleasure, no one else has ever known.
Feels like it is now or never, don't want to be alone
How does it feel in my arms?
How does it feel in my arms?
Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Can you feel it?
Tell me.
How does it feel in my arms?
Got a feeling this is something strong.
All I wanna do is move on.
No more wondering where I belong.
So never go away.
'Cause you and I are guilty pleasure, no one else has ever known.
Feels like it is now or never, don't want to be alone.
How does it feel in my arms?
How does it feel in my arms?
Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Can you feel it?
Tell me.
How does it feel in my arms?
Oh yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah
I'm listening.
How does it feel in my arms?
(How does it feel in my arms?)
How does it feel in my arms?
Yeah, yeah.
Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Can you feel it?
Tell me.
How does it feel in my arms?
Robbie Williams - Feel
Come on hold my hand,
I wanna contact the living.
Not sure I understand,
This role I’ve been given.
I sit and talk to god
And he just laughs at my plans,
My head speaks a language, I don’t understand.
I just wanna feel real love,
Feel the home that I live in.
’cause I got too much life,
Running through my veins, going to waste.
I don’t wanna die,
But I ain’t keen on living either.
Before I fall in love,
I’m preparing to leave her.
I scare myself to death,
That’s why I keep on running.
Before I’ve arrived, I can see myself coming.
I just wanna feel real love,
Feel the home that I live in.
’cause I got too much life,
Running through my veins, going to waste.
And I need to feel, real love
And a life ever after.
I cannot get enough.
I just wanna feel real love,
Feel the home that I live in,
I got too much love,
Running through my veins, going to waste.
I just wanna feel real love,
In a life ever after
There’s a hole in my soul,
You can see it in my face, it’s a real big place.
Come and hold my hand,
I wanna contact the living,
Not sure I understand,
This role I’ve been given
Not sure I understand.
Not sure I understand.
Not sure I understand.
Not sure I understand.
Cel mai ascultat artist in ultimul an a fost, dupa cum probabil banuiti, Robbie Williams cu 2400 de redari. Pe locul doi, la mare distanta se afla surprinzator Vama Veche care cu 940 de redari, i-au depasit pe cei de la Incubus care au acumulat doar 907. Urmeaza in top Justin Timberlake - 556, Coldplay - 545, Red Hot Chili Peppers - 485, Röyksopp - 359, Nelly Furtado - 354, Voltaj - 342, Iio - 321, Parazitii - 312 si lista poate continua... .
Listele complete le gasiti aici si aici.
Sarcastic mister know it all
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you 'cause
With the birds I'll share
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view
Push me up against the wall
Young Kentucky girl in a push-up bra
Fallin' all over myself
To lick your heart and taste your health 'cause
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view...
Blood loss in a bathroom stall
Southern girl with a scarlet drawl
Wave good-bye to ma and pa 'cause
With the birds I'll share
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view
Soft spoken with a broken jaw
Step outside but not to brawl
Autumn's sweet we call it fall
I'll make it to the moon if I have to crawl and
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view...
Scar tissue that I wish you saw
Sarcastic mister know it all
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you 'cause
With the birds I'll share
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view
With the birds I'll share
This lonely vïew...
Deci, daca pe 15 mai 2009 o sa vedem un corp nou pe cer, ar trebui sa ne ingrijoram...
Am mai gasit si un articol interesant care zice asta:
"In Muzeul National de Antropologie din Mexico City se afla expus un calendar solar aztec, un basorelief sculptat pe o piatra circulara cu un diametru de 3,7 metri si cu greutatea de 25 tone, care a fost descoperit in zona orasului respectiv in anul 1790. In partea centrala a calendarului se afla fata zeului solar Tonatiuh, aceasta fiind inconjurata de 4 dreptunghiuri. In dreptunghiurile respective sint reprezentate incarnarile anterioare ale zeului Soare. In sistemul cosmogonic mayan era acrediata ideea ca 4 lumi diferite ar fi existat inaintea celei prezente. Lumile anterioare, impreuna cu incarnarile zeului Soare, ar fi fost distruse de catastrofe in urma carora specia umana aproape ca a disparut de pe fata planetei. In primul dreptunghi (asociat cu punctul cardinal Vestic) este sculptat capul unui jaguar, deoarece prima lume a fost distrusa de 4 jaguari, jaguarul fiind o reprezentare - in conceptia mayana - a Zeului Creator Tezcatlipoca. Cel de-al doilea dreptunghi (asociat cu Nordul) il infatiseaza pe Sarpele cu pene, "Zeul celor 4 Vinturi", deoarece a doua civilizatie a planetei a fost distrusa de uragane cataclismice. Cel de-al treilea dreptunghi (asociat cu Estul) infatiseaza un dragon, "Zeul celor 4 fulgere si trasnete" care a distrus a treia civilizatie umana. Si in sfirsit, al patrulea dreptunghi (asociat cu Sudul) infatiseaza o sopirla, "Zeul celor 4 ape", deoarece ultima civilizatie a fost distrusa de un potop cataclismic care a durat 52 de ani si din care au scapat doar un barbat si o femeie, desigur cu scopul de a continua evolutia speciei umane. Este interesanta aceasta alegorie a carei ultima parte aminteste de legendarul potop al lui Noe descris in Vechiul Testament si de tragedia locuitorilor continentului Atlantida scufundati in apele oceanului acum 12.000 de ani, ai caror urmasi directi, mayanii se pare ca au fost. Cel de-al cincilea Soare, reprezentat in mijlocul calendarului, este "Soarele celor 4 cutremure" si prevesteste sfirsitul civilizatiei actuale in urma unor curemure cataclismice, atit de puternice cum nu au mai fost vreodata pe aceasta planeta, si care vor veni de undeva din partea de Vest. Este foarte straniu si un semn de rau augur, faptul ca extrem de precisul calendar mayan care incepe numaratoarea anilor prezentului ciclu cu data de 12 August 3113 B.C., se opreste la data de 21 Decembrie 2012 A.D. Aceasta perioada insumeaza 5125 de ani, durata a 13 baktuni sau a unei asa numite epoci creatoare. Probabil ca exista pe undeva o similitudine intre mitul celui de-al cincilea Soare mayan si Apocalipsa lui Ioan din Noul Testament care prevesteste aparitia, la sfirsitul mileniului al doilea, a "unui cer nou si unui pamint nou, pentru ca cerul dintii si pamintul dintii pierisera si marea nu mai era". Calendarul mayan prezinta 21 Decembrie 2012 ca data la care va avea loc colapsul tehnologic total si sfirsitul actualei civilizatii. Mai sigur este insa faptul ca exista o similitudine intre miturile cosmogonice si antropologice mayane si cele Tibetane. Astfel, in Doctrina Secreta Tibetana (pastrata cu mare grija si transmisa de mii si mii de ani din generatie in generatie), se atesta existenta, pina la ora actuala, a 5 rase si civilizatii umane - primele 4 disparute, fiecare la rindul ei, in urma unui cataclism devastator. "
Chiar nu stiu ce sa cred... va las pe voi sa va dati cu parerea aici... . Pana in 2012, traiti clipa !!
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