M1: Ce bine era la tara,ma! Pe jos scandurile erau drepte si puteam linistit sa merg dintr-un capat in altu’al camerei. Aici la oras ametesc sa tot urmaresc sipcile alea mici de pe jos.
M2: In fiecare seara cand vin acasa trebuie sa scol din somn trei vecini pentru ca pe lift scrie:”Numai pentru patru persoane!”
M3: Eu sunt cel mai napastuit. De fiecare data cand mi se facea sete acasa ma duceam la cismea si beam dupa pofta. Acum ma duc, trag de funie si pana sa pun gura la apa se si termina si trebuie sa astept iar sa se umple galeata, iar trag de funie, dar tot asa patesc!
But you can't see his blood
It's nothing but some feelings
That this old dog kicked up
It's been raining since you left me
Now I'm drowning in the flood
You see I've always been a fighter
But without you I give up
I can't sing a love song
Like the way it's meant to be
Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore
But baby, that's just me
And I will love you, baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
I'll be there till the stars don't shine
Till the heavens burst and
The words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you - Always
Now your pictures that you left behind
Are just memories of a different life
Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry
One that made you have to say goodbye
What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair
To touch your lips, to hold you near
When you say your prayers try to understand
I've made mistakes, I'm just a man
When he holds you close, when he pulls you near
When he says the words you've been needing to hear
I'll wish I was him 'cause those words are mine
To say to you till the end of time
Yeah, I will love you baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
If you told me to cry for you
I could
If you told me to die for you
I would
Take a look at my face
There's no price I won't pay
To say these words to you
Well, there ain't no luck
In these loaded dice
But baby if you give me just one more try
We can pack up our old dreams
And our old lives
We'll find a place where the sun still shines
And I will love you, baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
I'll be there till the stars don't shine
Till the heavens burst and
The words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you - Always
Come into my world I've got to show
Show show you
Come into my bed
I've got to know
Know know you
I have dreams of orca whales and owls
But I wake up in fear
You will never be my
You will never be my fool
Will never be my fool
Floaters in my eyes
Wake up in an hotel room
Cigarettes and lies
I am a child, it's too soon
I have dreams of orca whales and owls
But I wake up in fear
You will never be my
You will never be my fool
Will never be my fool
A little bag of cocaine
A little bag of cocaine
So who's the girl wearing my dress
I figured out her number
Inside a paper napkin
But I don't know her address I wade downstairs
The porter smiles to me a smile
I've bought
With a couple of gold coins
A sign that I've been caught
I have dreams of orca whales and owls
But I wake up in fear
You will never be my
You will never be my dear
Will never be my dear, dear friend
Dear dear friend, dear dear friend...
A little bag of cocaine
A little bag of cocaine
So who's the girl wearing my dress
I figured out her number
Inside a paper napkin
But I don't know her address
Come in, come in
Come into my world I've got to show
Show show you
Come into my bed
I've got to know
Know know you
I have dreams of orca whales and owls
But I wake up in fear
You will never be my
You will never be my dear
Will never be my dear, dear friend
Dear dear friend, dear dear friend...
Licitatie se incheie pe data de 03.05.2008, orele 17:00 (pentru a avea timp sa fie informati toti factorii necesari
Pentru detalii accesati www.e-vanzari-meciuri.ro sau trimiteti e-mail la muc_cel_mic@dinamo.ro.
Pentru eventuale medieri in caz de litigii: mitica.dragomir@jilava.ro.
Rugam seriozitate"
Than to touch you
To seek truth
In your eyes
The only thing that I want
Is to be with you
And watch the sunrise
Every time I see the sunset in your eyes
Words can not express the feeling deep inside
Your fire gives me sweet inspiration
When the morning comes
You bring life like a sunrise, sunrise
There's nothing more that I want
Than to touch you
To seek truth
In your eyes
The only thing that I want
Is to be with you (with you)
And watch the sunrise
There's nothing more that I want
Than to touch you
To seek truth
In your eyes
The only thing that I want
Is to be with you (to feel you)
And watch the sunrise
Every time I feel the pressure start to rise
Heaven only knows the way you've satisfied
Your fire gives me sweet consolation
And when the morning comes
You bring life like a sunrise, sunrise
Watch the sunrise
There's nothing more that I want
Than to touch you
To seek truth
In your eyes
The only thing that I want
Is to be with you (with you)
And watch the sunrise
There's nothing more that I want
Than to touch you
To seek truth
In your eyes
The only thing that I want
Is to be with you (to feel you)
And watch the sunrise
O romanca, la produs in Italia, este acostata noaptea de un client.
El: - Cat costa?
Ea: - 50 Euro.
O baga in masina, ii da banii si isi face treaba. A doua noapte, figura se repeta... a treia noapte la fel... In a patra noapte... fata se uita la el si il intreaba:
- Auzi ma, da tu de unde esti? ca parca te cunosc
El: - Din Romania.
Ea: - Ce coincidenta, si eu la fel! De unde din Romania?
El: - Din Ciuperceni.
Ea: - Ce coincidenta, si eu la fel!
El: - Coincidenta s-o crezi tu... Mi-a dat tactu' 500 de euro pentru tine, dar mi-a zis sa nu ti-i dau toti odata, ca-i cheltui!!!
And when I'm drunk I dance like me Dad
I've started to dress a bit like him
Early morning when I wake up
I look like Kiss but without the make up
And that's a good line to take it to
The bridge
And you know and you know
Cos my life's a mess
And I'm trying to grow so before
I'm old I'll confess
You think that I'm strong you're wrong
You're wrong
I'll sing my song my song my song
My bed's full of takeaways and fantasies
Of easy lays
The pause button's broke on my video
And is this real cos I feel fake
Oprah Winfrey Ricki Lake
Teach me things I don't need to know
And you know and you know
Cos my life's a mess
And it's starting to show so before
I'm old I'll confess
You think that I'm strong you're wrong
You're wrong
I'll sing my song my song my song
If I did it all again I'd be a nun
The rain was never cold when I was young
I'm still young we're still young
Life's too short to be afraid
Step inside the sun
And you know and you know
Cos my life's a mess
And I'm trying to grow
And you know and you know
Cos my life's a mess
And I'm trying to grow
And you know and you know
Cos my life's a mess
And I'm trying to grow
You think that I'm strong you're wrong
You're wrong
I'll sing my song my song my song
You think that I'm strong you're wrong
You're wrong
I'll sing my song my song my song
Life's too short to be afraid
So take a pill to numb the pain
You don't have to take the blame
Life's too short to be afraid
So take a pill to numb the pain
You don't have to take the blame
Life's too short to be afraid
So take a pill to numb the païn
You don't have to take the blame
... Chyu !! nah.. ca acum ai si tu 20 de ani :p uite.. special pt tine.. urmatoarea melodie:
- Da!
- Dormi?
- Bineinteles ca dorm!
-...si noi invatam, tuz m***i m*-tii !.....
Call me,don't you know that my heart is cryin',
And look into my eyes,you will find sadness and lonelyness,
Just look inside my soul,
i'm feelin' so empty,empty........
R2:anyone.......saaadness...anyone sadness
heeee yaaaaaa..feel.......
2.Love me,cause inside i'm slowly dyin',
call me,don't you know that my heart is cryin,
Love me,cause inside i'm slowly dyin
call me don't you know that my heart is cryin'
R:and look into my eyes you will find sadness and lonelyness
Just look inside my soul,i'm feelin so empty...empty...
R2:anyone.....saadness....anyone saadness....
hee yaaaa.....feel
anyone....sadness....anyone sadness.....
R:and look into my eyes...
and look ïnto my eyes...
Un sicriu negru mare era urmat la cativa pasi de un alt sicriu negru mare.
În spatele celui de-al doilea sicriu mergea un bărbat solitar cu un imens câine pitbull tinut in lesa. În spatele lor mergeau insiruiti aproximativ 200 bărbati tristi.
Privitorul nu a putut să-si stăpânească curiozitatea, s-a apropiat de bărbatul care ducea câinele si l-a intrebat:
- Domnule, stiu că este un moment foarte nepotrivit să vă deranjez, dar ce tragedie s-a intamplat. A cui este înmormântarea?
Bărbatul a răspuns:
- Ei bine, în primul sicriu se află soţia mea.
- Ce a pătit?
-Câinele meu a atacat-o si a omorât-o.
- Si cine se află în al doilea sicriu?
- Soacra mea. Ea încerca să o ajute pe sotia mea, dar câinele s-a repezit si la ea si a omorât-o.
A trecut un moment solemn de liniste între cei doi bărbati.
- Domnule, pot să vă cer împrumut câinele?
- Sigur ca da... asezati-va si dvs la coadă...
Doua blonde stau de vorba.
Prima: Ai auzit ca ungurii o au cea mai lunga?
A doua: Ai auzit ca mexicanii o au cea mai groasa?
Bula prin apropiere se opreste si asculta discutia. Una din blonde il
observa si il intreaba: Tu cine mai esti?
Bula: Szabo Gonzales
Just take my hand you don?t have to cry it'll be allright
I'll make it allright
Don't let the world get you down
Reach for the love that's all around
It'll be allright baby we'll make it allright
I'll pick you up when you're feeling down
I'll put your feet back on solid ground
I'll pick you up and I'll make you strong
I'll make you feel like you still belong
Cause it's allright, yeah it's allright let me make it allright, make it allright
Stay with me tonight, stay with me tonight
Sometimes the words well their just not enough
Afraid of feeling and in need of love
To make it allright, baby, I'll make it allright
Where will you run to where will you hide
I know the pain comes from deep down inside but
it'll be allright baby we'll make it allright Baby
Let me make it allright, Make it allright
Let me make it allright, Make it allright
Stay with me tonight, stay with me tonight
It's allright, yeah it's allright
It's allright, yeah it's allright
It's allright, Stay with me tonight
I'll pick you up when you're feeling down
I'll put your feet back on solid ground
I'll pick you up and I'll make you strong
I'll make you feel like you still belong
Cause it's allright, yeah it's allright let me make it allright, make it allright
Stay with me tonight, stay with me tonight
It's allright, yeah it's allright
It's allright, yeah it's allright
It's allright, Stay with me tonight
It's allright, yeah it's allright
It's allright, yeah it's allright
It's allright, Stay with me tonïght.
- Bade, da' inapoiati mai sunteti, in satul asta nici curent electric nu aveti! Macar pot cumpara niste branza de oaie de la careva de p-aici? Poti sa-mi dai adresa?
- No apai cum nu, domnule, ci numai noteaz-o matale: www.branzadeoaie.ro
Un tip beat la un bar cere la chelner sa ii serveasca 3 cafele. - Trei cafele? - Da, una pentru mine, una pentru tine si alta pentru ma-ta. A doua zi, acelas tip beat cere la acelasi chelner: - Trei cafele.. - Trei? - Da .. TREI. una pentru mine, una pentru tine si alta pentru ma-ta. Chelnerul nu a mai putut sa se abtina, a sarit peste masa si l-a snopit in bataie pe betivan. O zi mai tarziu, apare tipul plin de vinatai la bar.Chelnerul ironic il intreaba: - Trei cafele? - Nu - Raspunde betivanul- Doar doua: una pentru mine si una pentru ma-ta. Pentru tine nu, ca pe tine te agita. !!!
o tipa la doctor: dom' doctor am o mancarime intre degetele de la picioare..
doc. : ia sa vedem, intre care?
tipa: intre cele doua degete mari...
TELEFON: 0763256266/0722159921
DETALII PE ocasutadouatrei.as.ro
I'm laying on my bed and I want more
And if you're asking me to stay with you
If you want me here I'll stay with you
Won't you have me have my way with you
Won't you ask me to lay with you
By the way I wish you would, just ask me...
By the way I wish you would, I wish you would
Come and play, I wish you could, I wish you could
By the way I wish you would, I wish you would
Be with me
It's you I want...
E atat de scurta vara
Si e plin de flori
Te inconjoara si te-agatza cu parfumul lor
Din floare-n floare ca o albinutza vrei sa zbori
E atat de scurta vara asta
Si e plin de flori.
Iubita mea are un crin
Il tine jos la mezzanine
Si vrea s-aduc muscata mea
Sa experimentam ceva.
Imi spune ce mult i-a placut
Ca n-a polenizat de mult
Si imi sopteste c-ar mai vrea
Muscata mea.
Din nebunia de culori
Vreau sa aleg si alte flori
Cu o mimoza as incerca
Sa experimentez ceva.
Sa nu mai fie asa timida
Cand o ating sa se deschida
Si sa-sï doreasca langa ea
Muscata mea.
Daca oamenii-ar privi spre cer, intr-o zi de mai
Ar vedea pe-o sarma doi nebuni, pasind imbratisati...
Baciul moldovean:
- Parerea mea este ca cea mai grea limba este limba engleza. Uite, de exemplu, ei scriu Shakespeare si citesc "sheikspir".
Spune si baciul vrincean:
- Aiurea, cea mai grea limba este franceza! Ei scriu Baudelaire si citesc "bodler".
Baciul ungurean nu rabda si sare si el:
- Cum pote la voi se vorbeste ase? Voi ce fel de rumuni esti? Cel mai greu limbe este rumuneste... In rumuneste se scrii Cabana "Valea Muresului", dar se citesti "keskemet domokos polvon"...
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain
If I see you next to never
How can we say forever
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I took for granted, all the times
That I though would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now
Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' CrAzY
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance
Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' cRaZy
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waitïng for you....
- Aveţi teren de golf şi tenis şi daca vă e foame, puteţi merge la oricare din barurile din apropiere. Totul e gratis.
Soţul catre soţie:
- Ai văzut?! Dacă nu erai tu cu tărâţele tale şi fulgi şi fibre... puteam ajunge aici acum 10 ani!
Cica trei prieteni, care nu se mai vazusera de atatia ani, se intalnesc intamplator in fata unei scoli de soferi. Din vorba in vorba isi dau seama ca fiecare isi astepta consoarta sa-si termine ora de conducere auto. Primul zise suparat: - Sotia mea a inceput scoala de o saptamana si de atunci in fiecare noapte se trezeste, pune mana pe "manivela" si incepe :"inainte, inapoi,inainte,inapoi" de nu pot sa dorm toata noaptea. Al doilea zise si el negru de suparare: - Asta nu-i nimic, a mea a inceput scoala de o luna si de atunci in fiecare noapte se trezeste, pune mana pe "manivela" si incepe: "intaia, a doua, a treia, a patra". La marsarier, cel putin, imi vine sa-mi iau campii. Al treilea , daramat de tot, se uita la ei si zise: - Sunteti mici copii! A mea a inceput scoala de doua luni si de atunci in fiecare noapte se trezeste, se intoarce cu fundul la mine si zice "Plinul, va rog !"
Gheorghe si Ion se intilnesc pe strada:
-Ba Ioane,eu saptamana viitoare ma duc la facultate ma sa ma cultiv !
-Bine ma Gheorghe ma du-te,eu nu pot ca trebuie sa merg la munca sa-mi intretin familia.
Se intilnesc dupa o saptamana si Gheorghe ii arata o poza si il intreaba pe Ion
-Ba tu stii cine e asta?
-Nu stiu ba!
-E Eminescu ma da tu n-ai de unde sa stii da eu stiu ca sant la facultate !
Dupa 2 saptamini Gheorghe vine cu alta poza si intreaba iara :
-Ba tu stii cine e asta?
-Nu stiu ba de unde sa stiu !
-E Ion Creanga ba,da tu n-ai de unde sa stii ca tu nu mergi la facultate !
Peste doua saptamini cind se intilnesc iar scoate Ion o poza i-o arata lu Gheorghe si il intreaba:
-Ba da tu stii cine e asta?
Se uita Gheorghe la poza atent si zice:
-Ba ..sa stii ca nu stiu,de asta n-am invatat la facultate !!
-Asta o **** pe nevasta-ta, da tu n-ai de unde sa stii ca tu esti la facultate !-zice Ion.
Bula la scoala: - Doamna profesoara, am prins 2 iepuri - Vii? - Vii! - Presupun ca a fost greu! Cum i-ai prins? Cu o capcana? - Nu, regulandu-se!
I heard a cry within my soul
I've never had a yearning quite like this before
Know that you are walking right through my door
All of my life
Where have you been
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
And if that day comes
I know we could win
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
A sacred gift of heaven
For better worse, wherever
And I would never let somebody break you down
Until you cried, never
All of my life
Where have you been
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
And if that day comes
I know we could win
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
At every time I've always known
That you where there, upon your throne
A lonely queen without her king
I longed for you, my love forever
All of my life
Where have you been
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
And if that day comes
I know we could win
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
All of my life
Where have you been
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
And if that day comes
I know we could win
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
All of my life
Where have you been
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
And if that day comes
I know we could win
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
I wonder if I'll ever see you agaïn
Like, I remember you?
Do you spend your life, going back in your mind to that time?,
Cause I, I walk the streets alone,
I hate being on my own, and everyone can see that,
I really fell, and I'm going through hell.
Thinking about you with somebody else.
Somebody wants you,
Somebody needs you.
Somebody dreams about you every single night.
Somebody cant breathe, without you it's lonely.
Somebody hopes that one day you will see, that somebody's me.
That somebody's me. yeaa...
How, how did we go wrong?
It was so good, and now it's gone,
And I pray at night, that our path's soon will cross.
What we had, isn't lost.
Cause you are always right here in my thoughts..
Somebody wants you,
Somebody needs you.
Somebody dreams about you every single night.
Somebody can't breathe, without you it's lonely.
Somebody hopes that someday you will see,
That somebody's me. Oh yeah...
You will always be in my life, even if im not in your life.
Cause you're in my memory...
You, when you remember me?...
And before you set me free, oh listen please...
Somebody wants you,
Somebody needs you.
Somebody dreams about you every single night.
Somebody cant breathe, without you it's lonely.
Somebody hopes that someday you wïll see, that somebody's me.
That somebody's me.
Somebody's me...
That somebody's me...
That somebody's me...
Oh yeah...
si eu...
Cine nu se supune sau nu aduce ceva pe placul leului va fii batut cu organul leului pe spate.
A doua zi vine ursul cu un porc. Leul satisfacut il lauda. Vine si vulpea cu o gaina, leul fiind satisfacut si de data asta. Iepurasul neavand cum sa vaneze, ii aduce un morcov. Leul, suparat, il bate pe spate cu organul sau viguros.
- Tu nu stii ca nu mananc decat carne?
Pleaca suparat iepurasul, dar dupa cativa pasi se opreste si incepe sa rada.
- Bine ba iepurasule, eu te bat si tu razi?
Iepurasul radea in continuare de se tinea cu mainile de burta si printre hohote ii zice leului:
- Vezi ca vine ariciul cu 2 mere!!!!
Nothing wrong, nothing right.
What if there was no time?
And no reason or rhyme?
What if you should decide
That you don't want me there by your side.
That you don't want me there in your life.
What if I got it wrong?
And no poem or song..
Could put right what I got wrong,
Or make you feel I belong
What if you should decide
That you don't want me there by your side
That you don't want me there in your life.
Oooooh, that's right
Let's take a break jump over the side
Oooooh, that's right
How can you know it if you don't even try?
Oooooh, that's right
Every step that you take
Could be your biggest mistake
It could bend or it could break
But that's the risk that you take
What if you should decide
That you don't want me there in your life.
That you don't want me there by your side.
Oooooh, that's right
Let's take a breath jump over the side.
Oooooh, that's right
How can you know it when you don't even try?
Oooooh, that's right
Oooooh, that's right
Let's take a breath jump over the inside
Oooooh, that's right
You know that darkness always turns into light
Oooooh, that's right..
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love
That is what you get
That is what you give
That is what you get
That is what you give
That is what you get
That is what you give
That is what you get
That is what you give
I a lie
Rise up into the sky
So you don’t have to fight
And make it wanna be alright
You give me strength to carry on
You’re a sholder to lead on all night
I’ll do anything for you to make your dreams come true
I can’t live without you
We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love
We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love
Go away
Why is
I dream of you very night
I’m gonna make you feel alright
I’d do anything i do to make it all come true
Wait, I can’t live without you
We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love
We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love
Right on
Aye, ohh, ohh
Can’t you see?
Give it up
Give it up
Aye, Ohh
I say, go on
We got
Freedom, freedom I get freedom
Freedom, freedom
Freedom to looooooooooooove yeah, yeah
We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love
We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You gïve me freedom to love

Pe 19 aprilie 2008, v-a avea loc, pe terenul din "Parcul Studentesc", meciul de Fotbal American dintre formatia "Bucharest Warriors" si omologii de peste Prut, "Kishinev Barbarians". Intrarea este libera. Acesta este primul meci de fotbal american jucat in Romania. Oricat de mult ii urasc eu pe americani, nu pot sa nu sustin initiativa celor de la Warriors, care incearca sa aduca acest sport si in Romania. Personal nu stiu cu ce se mananca acest sport.. dar atata timp cat e un sport de echipa e interesant... cine stie.. poate ma duc si eu la meci.. sa ma documentez... . Pentru mai multe detalii despre Bucharest Warriors, accesati www.warriors.ro
- Ce s-a intimplat? intreaba ea, surprinsa. Te rog, nu te opri, mai vreau!
- Shhhh... incerca el sa o linisteasca, gata, am terminat!
- Cum adica ai terminat???
- Gata, am gasit telecomanda, dormi linistita!...
If you've been hiding from love
I can understand where you're coming from
I can understand where you're coming from
If you've suffered enough
If you've suffered enough
I can understand what you're thinking of
I can see the pain that you're frightened of
And I'm only here
To bring you free love
Let's make it clear
That this is free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
I've been running like you
I've been running like you
Now you understand why I'm running scared
Now you understand why I'm running scared
I've been searching for truth
I've been searching for truth
And I haven't been getting anywhere
No I haven't been getting anywhere
And I'm only here
To bring you free love
Let's make it clear
That this is free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
Hey girl
You've got to take this moment
Then let it slip away
Let go of complicated feelings
Then there's no price to pay
We've been running from love
We've been running from love
And we don't know what we're doing here
No we don't know what we're doing here
We're only here
Sharing our free love
Let's make it clear
That this is free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
No hidden catch
No strïngs attached
Just free love
- Sus in munti am fost atacat de o haita de 8 lupi!
- Bunicule, dar anul trecut cand mi-ai povestit erau numai 4 lupi...
- Anul trecut, draga, erai prea mic pentru a afla crudul adevar!
Un suporter al Stelei se duce la fan-shopul de la stadion:
- Bună ziua! Aş dori un tricou cu Steaua vă rog...
- De care doriţi? De jucător, de portar, de patron sau de arbitru?
You think maybe it’s me and I’m being a fool
You start to believe it’s a curse that you’re under
And you’re just a doll for a girl who is cruel
With a pin
So let me out or let me in
And tell me how, we can win
Cause I really wanna know now
Before I begin
To let you go To let you go
So let me know
I’d rather be wandering hungry and homeless
Than here in the warmth of a silent defeat
You’ve gotta be honest with me and be ruthless
’stead of shifting uncomfortably there in your seat
And your skin
And who’ve thought I’d have the strength to say
Let me out or let me in
But as the words are pouring from my mouth
I wanna say them again, and again and again
So let me out
Or let me in
And tell me how, we can win
Cause I really wanna know now
Before I begin
To let you go To let you go
Let me out, or let me in,
Oh no no
And tell me how
We can win
Oh no I really wanna know now
Before I begin
Oh to let you go, to let you go
Let me know
Inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips
A thousand times
I sometimes see you
Pass outside my door
Is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted
And my arms are open wide
Because you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much
I love you
I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again
How much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
I've just got to let you know
Because I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely?
Or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying I love you
Is it me you're looking for?
Becuase I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely?
Or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by sayïng I love you

Eh.. cam atat si cu ziua mea.. n-am primit niciun cadou azi... dar astept sa-mi vina noua canapea.. peste 3 saptamani :d. O zi.. asa si-asa.. plina de telefoane si sms-uri si urari.. pacat k a pierdut Dinamo in ultimele minute.. si a stricat de tot ziua.. dar.. ata ete.. mai am 365 de zile la 20 de ani... tre sa fie una super printre astea.. :p
00:00 Pisi Pus : "La multi ani si multi bani. te pup de 20 de ori mai mult ca intr-o zi normala vedeta mea"
00:00 Adina: "LA MULTI ANI! 20 anisori plini de fericire, multa sanatate, sa fi iubit (cand mergi pe strada sa pice toate fetele la picioarele tale numai inspirand parfumul tau) si sa ai o viata usoara (sa plutesti pe un puf). A! Ce era cel mai important :-s ramai mereu frumos "
00:02 Dee: "La multi ani!!! Implinirea tuturor dorintelor si numai zile pline de soare alaturi de cei dragi!"
00:02 Corina: "La multi ani Panda!!! Fie ca toate dorintele sa ti se indeplineasca. Cand vei fi trist ma vei gasi aici (sper din inima sa nu fie nevoie) cadoul pt tine: l-am uitat complet pe Tiby. Ah.. si tot ce am spus pe blog e adevarat. La multi ani !!"
00:02 Crissu: "Iti doresc bucuria de a avea mereu pe cineva cu care sa imparti totul, sa ai suficiente amintiri frumoase care sa te ajute in clipele grele, sa traiesti 1000 de ani si inca o viata, sa ai parte de tot ce-ti doresti tu si inca pe-atat. LA MULTI ANI Panducule!"
00:02 Bobo: "Lumin/ Amintiri/Minuni/Umor/Luciditate/Ternura/Iubire/Amuzament/Noutati/Idei Astea sunt putine din lucrurile pe care ti le doresc de ziua ta! La multi ani! Bobo"
00:04 Andra Q: "Happy birthday Mr.Panda, may all your wishes be granted ! :* >:d< "
00:07 iulia_puy: "Fie ca cel de-al 20-lea trandafir adaugat in buchetul vietii sa infloreasca mai maiestos, mai plin de sanatate si noroc. LA MULTI ANI."
00:10 Gaborinho: "La multi ani!"
00:56 Anqtza: "La multi ani pandutzu! iti doresc sa fii intotdeauna sanatos, voios, voinic si sa ai parte de tot ce e mai bun! te pupa anqtzu"
10:14 Mihu: "La multi ani Pandutuleee. Sa fii fericit, implinit si sanatos... la cap :)) >:d<"
11:06 Denis: "Hei, neatza!... La multi ani! sa te faci mareee mare, si sa faci cinste :d. iti doresc multa sanatate, fericire si... ah.. iubire !!(imi cer scz pt intarziere dar azi nu am fost matinala :">) KISS U :*:*:* !"
11:20 Brosky: "9 aprilie 2008.. hmmm.. ce sa fie oare azi? :-?.. o zi de primavara ca oricare alta? .. neah :-j ... azi e ziua lu' Pandutzu.. ce sa ii urez eu.. sa fie fericit, frumos ca zilele de primavara, cald ca razele soarelui, sa iubeasca si sa fie iubit la randul lui, sa aibe noroc, sa viseze si sa isi vada visele implinite....aaa.. si sa nu uit.. logic.. LA MULTI ANI !!!"
12:40 Tony: "La multi ani, sa fii sanatos si fericit! toni"
23:17 Andruta: "La multi ani, Panda! Sa cresti mare! :p :D Asta asa k sa fie si ceva scris... pt posteritate =)) :*"
23:31 Ancutza: "La multi ani Panda :*:*:*:*:* sa fi sanatos, fericit si iubit :p ti-am zis ca nu-ti mai dau mesaj, dar se pare ca nu m-am tinut de cuvant :p te pup"
23:41 Oana: "La multi ani. Ti-am zis ca iti dau mesaj tarziu. Sa fii sanatos si sa ti se indeplineasca toate dorintele, sa fii inconjurat numai de oameni buni. te pup"
Articole pe blog
Doua persoane mi-au dedicat cate un articol pe blogul lor. Acestea sunt Dee si Corina. Articolele le gasiti daca dati click pe nume :p

Wow... iata ca a trecut si anu asta... un an destul de reusit as putea spune.. a fost chiar frumos la 19 ani... cu toate ca se putea si mai bine... dar, tot timpul se poate mai bine... Pai.. ce-am facut eu in ultimul an ? Hmm.. foarte multe chestii... o sa incerc sa evidentiez cronilogic.. cele mai importante evenimente pe care le-am trait in anul care a tecut. Sper sa nu uit vre-unu...
9 aprilie 2007 - am scris primul articol pe Dinamo-Online . Puteti sa-l cititi aici.
- am scris pe blogul de pe 360, articolul in care faceam cronica anului precedent.
10 aprilie 2007 - "- Hapciu !!" ; "-Sanatate !!" , izvor, Brosky
4 mai 2007 - ziua Anei ... stie ea
6 mai 2007 - prima deplasare cu galeria.. la Iasi.. titlul 18
10 mai 2007 - 10 ani de 10 mai @ Studio Martin - petrecere cu echipa Dinamo
16 mai 2007 - Balul de sfarsit de liceu...
20 mai 2007 - Ale ale... ale ale... a venit titlul 18 , prima data cand am aprins o torta pe stadion, prima oara cand am intrat pe teren [alaturi de tot stadionul:))]
10 iunie 2007 - 14 decembrie 07 - 6 luni alaturi de Deni, in care am trait momente frumoase si pt care tin sa-i multumesc [:x]
12 iunie 2007 - Graduation Day
15 iunie 2007 - ultima zi de liceu...
23-24 iunie 2007 - Cokelive - concert Prodigy si INCUBUS [mai vreau un concert INCUBUS:D]
24 iunie 2007 - 5 iulie 2007 - BAC-u' l-am luat usooor... am copiat la toate.. ca un pooorc \:D/
29 iunie 2007 - am "batut si campii.. ca deh.." la stiri pe Prima Tv
16 iulie 2007 - M-am angajat la Tunisiana Travel [am aproape 9 luni de cand sunt angajat].
17 iulie 2007 - a luat nastere Blogu' lu' Panda
10-13 august 2007 - am fost la Costinesti cu fostii colegi de liceu...
17-19 august 2007 - am fost la Zarnesti cu colegii de servici... [la intoarcere... am fost al doilea an consecutiv pe Transfagarasan:D ]
26 august 2007 - mausoleu, ploaie, Deni... stie ea...
28 august 2007 - Dinamo - Lazio ... n-a fost sa fie... :(
26 septembrie 2007 - Rattatouile, luna plina, Izvor, Brosky... stie ea..
30 septembrie 2007 - Radiolynx meeting [intalnirea cu cei de pe chatul radiolynx.ro si cu cei de la radiolynx]
5 octombrie 2007 - Concert IRIS 30 de ani
28 octombrie 2007 - Mos Pandele face dezvaluiri la Sextant la Radiolynx.ro
9 noiembrie 2007 - am cantat pe scena cu Voltaj la Balul Bobocilor de la Cibernetica
10 noiembrie 2007 - am fost invitat la emisiunea "Meseria de a trai" la Radiolynx.ro [ emisiunea o gasiti integral aici ]
19 noiembrie 2007 - Bal Lazar - m-am imbatat prima data [Vannie e de vina :)) abia astept ziua ta :-"]
1 decembrie 2007 - Marele Brad, nebunie mare, Didy, Brosky, Deni, Cris...
2 decembrie 2007 - am patinat prima data pe gheata
23 decembrie 2007 - bad news
24-25 decembrie 2007 - worst Christmas ever
29 decembrie 2007 - 2 ianuarie 2008 - revelion la Moeciu [m-am plimbat cu ATV-ul, gratare peste gratare, foc de tabara...]
5 februarie 2007 - am inceput sa vorbesc cu Dee
29 februarie 2008 - mi-am luat telefon
1 aprilie 2008 - v-am pacalit pe toti ca m-am tuns la chelie :D
8 aprilie 2008 - m-am apucat sa scriu articolul asta... :P [si ma asteptam sa fie altfel ziua asta]
9 aprilie 2008 - Astept sa vad cat de mult tineti voi la mine !! SHOW ME LOVE !!
Special thanks - anul asta am castigat o super prietena.. the supergirl... si aceea e Alinutza/Shory/Vacutza/Pisi Pus/Nenorocita/Fluturash[un nene ii zice asa.. nu io :-"] sau cum vrei voi sa-i ziceti. ms pisiiii ca ai fost alaturi de mine atunci cand am avut nevoie cel mai mult !! :*:*:*:*:*
Cam atat de la 19 ani... sa vedem cum o sa fie la 20... daca intr-adevar e fara griji si fara bani...
Voltaj - 20
Tanar vreau mereu sa fiu
Sa traiesc asa cum stiu
Ca la 20 de ani, fara griji si fara bani.
Pentru cei care cred
Ca viata e facuta doar sa numeri,
Numeri banii si cum trec anii
Va spun acum, traiti acum
Viata e frumoasa, oricum,
Oricum e ea, usoara, grea.
Tanar vreau mereu sa fiu
Sa traiesc asa cum stiu
Ca la 20 de ani, fara griji si fara bani.
Pentru cei care cred
Ca-n viata nu mai e nici o placere
Mai ia o bere si inc-o bere
Iubeste-o acum sau uit-o acum
Viata e frumoasa, oricum,
Orïcum e ea, usoara, grea
Tanar vreau mereu sa fiu
Sa traiesc asa cum stiu
Ca la 20 de ani, fara griji si fara bani
All Saints - Black Coffee
Night Swimming
Beach walking
Always silent
Never talking
Then you call my name
And I know inside I love you
Sail away
I miss you more
Until you see the shore
There I will be waiting
Each moment is new
Freeze the moment
Each moment is cool
Freeze the moment
I wouldnt wanna be
Anywhere else but... here
I wouldnt wanna change
Anything at all
(Anything oh I..)
I wouldnt wanna take
Everything out on... you
Though I know I do
(Although I know I do)
Everytime I fall
Day dreaming
Chain smoking
Always laughin
Always jokin
I remain the same
Did I tell you that I love you
Brush your teeth
And pour a cup of black coffee out
I love to watch you do that every day
The little things that you do
Each moment is new
Freeze the moment
Each moment is cool
Freeze the moment
I wouldnt wanna be
Anywhere else but... here
I wouldnt wanna change
Anything at all
(Anything oh I..)
I wouldnt wanna take
Everything out on... you
Though I know I do
(Although I know I do)
Everytime I fall
Each moment is cool
Freeze the moment
I wouldnt wanna be
Anywhere else but... here
I wouldnt wanna change
Anything at all
(Anything oh I..)
I wouldnt wanna take
Everything out on... you
Though I know I do
(Although I know I do)
Everytime I fall
(Everytime I fall)
(Everytime I fall)
I wouldnt wanna be
Anywhere else but... here
(Anywhere but here)
I wouldnt wanna change
(I wouldnt wanna change)
Anything at all
(Anything oh I..)
I wouldnt wanna take
Everything out on... you
Though I know I do
(Although I know I do)
Everytime I fall
Night swimming
Beach walking
Always silent
Never talking
Then you call my name
And I know inside I love you
Sail away
I miss you more
Until you see the shore
There I will be waiting
Toate erau in forma de inima: florile, coroanele, jerbele, groapa, sicriul.Cand sa bage mortul in groapa, un tip din multime incepe sa rada in hohote. Preotul se opreste din cantat si il intreaba:
-Bine domnule, acum te-a gasit si pe dumneata rasul? Tocmai in acest moment?
Tipul ii raspunde:
-Nu va suparati dar ma gandeam la propria mea inmormantare, pentru ca eu sunt ginecolog!
Un tip isi astepta nevasta sa vina acasa. Se face ora zece seara, iar nevasta-sa nu apare. Tipul, enervat:
- Parca vad... Vine acasa si o intreb unde a fost. Iar ea imi raspunde ca a fost la vreun film cu o colega... O bat de-o indoi!
Se face ora unsprezece. Nevasta-sa tot nu aparuse.
- Sa vezi ce-mi povesteste, ca a fost la o aniversare cu colegii si nu si-a dat seama cand a trecut timpul... O calc in picioare!
Ora douasprezece. Nevasta-sa tot nu venise.
- Sigur o sa-mi toarne o poveste, cum ca a fost la o colega la o cafea si nu si-a dat seama cum a trecut timpul... Doamne, o omor in bataie!
Pe la ora unu noaptea apare si nevasta-sa...
- Unde ai fost pana la ora asta?! urla sotul furios.
- Unde sa fiu? Am fost sa fac sex!
- Poftim, uite ce-o intreb eu si ce-mi raspunde ea!
he was the nicest little kitty, now a pain in my crack
This little kitty is a ninja, always stalking my feet
This little kitty is a warrior you know what I mean
he's an evil little kitty look what he did to my hand
tries to get in trouble in any way that he can
I could give this cat a toy, but he'd rather have the wrapper
and I will always give him water, but he still drinks from the crapper
You could lock him in a closet and he just won't care
kitty chews on my shoes and he licks my hair
always scratching on my favorite chair and jumping on the couch
playing in the window sills and tearing through the house
He's so full of energy and easily amused
kitty will attack anything that moves
Causing trouble, starting battles just so he could be a little part of
he's a meanest little kitty so we named him sparta
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite
Where'd you go
are you stalking me?
are you under the couch, quite possibly
ears laid back so you don't get caught
ready to pounce my leg with everything that you got
I know you're probably watching me from across the room
concentrating contemplating on attacking me soon
You're not invisible kitty, I'm gonna find you first
Come out come out before I make things worse
I've seen where you hide and I know where you've been
Hey kitty why don't you give in
Even if you try to sneak up on me, I'm prepared
Cause I've got my safety gear on and I'm not scared
I think I hear a kitty cat under the bed
I know your making noises just to mess with my head
You can stalk me all you want, but I'm not your pray
cause you always seem to find me first, but not today
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
Come on out, I'm gonna get you now
I've got 'em cornered
and now he's mine
He's not gonna get away this time
I'll snatch him up fast before he can blink and then...
Aw man! He's asleep in the sink
What is with this cat? I'm confused
He's got a bed, but it's never been used
In every waking moment, kitty's out for the fight
then [fart] next minute kitty's out like a light
How could I let this creature live inside of my home
I gotta keep an eye on him when I'm on the phone
I'm a little afraid to leave this cat all alone
this kitty may destroy everything that I own
Look at him now, I kinda feel bad
He's the best little cat that I've had
and the one big thing I forgot to mention, was that
He wasn't fighting, he just wanted attention
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
showing love, that's all this kitty does
intr-un pat de femeie frumoasa
sa miroase a mar si-a zori
si a tot ce-i mai bun intr-o casa
sa-mi sopteasca:"vrei un ceai?"
eu sa-i spun "te iubesc!"
R:e oare cineva care sa-mi poata da
asa ceva macar de ziua mea?
fetelor n-ati putea sa m-ajutati cumva
sa pot sa strig si eu:"uite-o! e ea!"
R:Sa iesim in soare afara
Si sa mergem la piata impreuna
Ea sa ceara un kil de mere
Eu s-o tin nebuneste de-o mana
S-avem bani noi amandoi
Dar sa plateasca ea.
Si cand merg peste 80
Sa-mi spuna: "Te rog mai incet!"
Sa strige: "Imi place, zau, dar ai
Grija te rog de carnet!"
Eu sa pun o frana brusca
Si sa ne sarutam...
Martea cand sunt mort de beat,
Sa ma duca usor pan' la pat
Si apoi sa ma dezbrace
Eu sa strig; "Asta chiar ca imi place!"
Sa se supere nitel:
"Astazi nu esti al meu!"
Si atunci cand ne certam
Cand eu urlu si ea e furioasa
Sa imi strige "Vreau copiii!!!"
Si sa fie cu mult mai frumoasa
Eu sa nu stiu ce sa spun
Si s-o intreb: "Ne casatorïm?"
P.S. "Meseria de a trai" e in fiecare sambata de la 13:00 la 15:00 numai la Radiolynx.ro.
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